Chapter XIII

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Johnahth was seriously injured.
Kelta didn't know what to do.
I fell on knees next to him,panicked,wondering how to save him.I was crying.
Stefanos,Laksmi and lord Sage were watching out the door.Kelta was with us.
Johnahth was looking at me.I could see the pain in his eyes.How much he was suffering.
I was caressing his cheek.
"Shhh.All okay.I will heal you.Everything is going to be okay"I assured him.
He spat blood from his mouth.Then,he took a deep breath.I was going to heal him.But he stopped me by touching my hand.His hand had been already cold.
"Meredith...Please...There is no point healing me.Just let me say goodbye"he said.I would never let him die!So,I insisted.
"I love you and I will always love you.Even if I leave,I will always love you.You have to save people.I believe in you..."he said being weak.
"What am I going to do without you?"I hardly said.Tears had rolled my eyes.I could feel them.It was like they were burning my cheeks.
"You will survive!Did you hear me?You will survive!You have to fight the darkness.I am sure that..."
Before he finished his phrase,I interrupted him.
"I love you..."
After those words,Johnahth's face suddenly shone.
I knew deep inside that I couldn't heal him just with a love you.At least,he would find peace.His face was calm.
"I love you,Johnhath..."I said again.
"I love you Meredith... My light through the darkness..."
He took his last breath.And when he stopped breathing and his hurt stopped beating I realized that he had left forever from this world.
I didn't figure out how much I was crying.
I was crying over my boyfriend's corpse.
Kelta approached me.
"I am really sorry..."it was the only thing she said.
Laksmi,Stefanos and lord Sage looked each other and they approached me too.
"We should bury him..."lord Sage said.

We buried him under a tree,outside the Tower.They left me alone and went back to the Tower.The moon was shining.So as the Aposperitus.
I was looking Johnahth's grave.It was painful to see a tombstone where was written my boyfriend's name.
I put my hands in front of my face and begged myself not to cry.And finally,I burst into tears.Sometimes our tears are the words that we can't express.
I even screamed as louder as I could.I hoped that in this way,the pain would leave away.But he was still inside.
"My Johnahth!My poor Johnahth!"
I stayed for a couple of minutes and I went back to the Tower.

When I came in,everyone was looking at me without saying a word.The silence was deathly.
"Meredith..."Stefanos said silently.
I didn't speak at all.
Then,Laksmi hugged me.
We heard a noise.
It was lord Sage.He had left hours ago,before we buried Johnahth.
"I am really sorry.You have the best of my condolences"lord Sage said.
I barely smiled to him.
"Sage.You seem worried..."Laksmi noticed.
"How can't I be?I have important news for you.Princess Jessalin d' Ompinie allied with high-society demons against Meredith".
The others couldn't believe in their ears.
"And what are we doing now?"Kelta asked.
All the heads turned to me.
I was calm and I didn't seem worried.
"Well,we have to stop them..."I answered.
"How can't you be not afraid at all?"Laksmi asked.
"I am not afraid.I feel stronger than ever!"

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