Chapter ΧΙΙ

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Before I read the script,I looked behind me.On the one hand,Kelta was anxious.On the other hand,Johnahth gave me a smile.I smiled too.
And I focused on the Moonsong.
I started saying the words in the ancient language of El.
Then,my eyes became lighter as the light of the moon there.The moon became lighter too.As for me,I was cut off the real world.
A wild wind blew.
Meanwhile,I hadn't understood what was going outside the door.

Lord Sage,Laksmi amd Stefanos had been waiting silently and with patience.
"Do you think she will make it?"Laksmi asked.
"I hope so"Stefanos answered.
"Let's pray,my friends..."
Then,something terrible and unexpected happened.
Eleven of the soldiers of princess Jessalin d' Ompinie broke into the Tower of the Three Moons.
After them,Ian and Cressida appeared.
"Ian..."Laksmi said shaking.
Ian looked at Laksmi with an evil eye.
"Well,hello,Laksmi..."Ian said.
Laksmi and Stefanos couldn't bear in mind that Ian used to be his best friend.
"I don't want to interrupt you from your business.But you know...Change of plans".
And the eleven soldiers attacked to them.Lord Sage was a vampire El and powerful and he managed to kill five of the soldiers.The soldiers were also vampires.
Stefanos was fighting against some soldiers and Ian.Laksmi was fighting against the rest of the soldiers and with Cressida.
"Try to keep them busy!"Ian commanded his soldiers."Cressida follow me!"
Laksmi saw them going right to the door.
"No!"Laksmi said and tried to stop them.But soldiers attacked to her.

I continued to say the words of the Moonsong.I was still cut off the real world.I didn't know what was happening.
All of a sudden,while Kelta and Johnahth were watching me fulfiling the prophecy,the door broke.
Ian managed to break the door by waterbending.
"Ian!"Johnahth said and put out his sword.
"Johnahth!What a lovely surprise!"Ian ironed.
Cressida was next to Ian.
Ian had seen me.He wanted to kill me.While I was cut off,I felt that something wasn't okay,but I couldn't come back to reality.
"Don't dare to hurt her!"Johnahth said angry.
"Or what?"Ian asked.
"I am going to kill you!"Johnahth said full of fury.
"Really?"Ian said and put out his sword.He attacked to my boyfriend.
Kelta saw Cressida and fought her just with her sword.As I had said before,Kelta was not El.But Cressida was.She was also a betrayer for the race of El.
While Johnahth was fighting against Ian,Ian tried to discourage him.
"You think that she will live?No,Johnahth.Princess Jessalin will kill her.The whole Dark Dimension is against her.Do you think she has any hopes to win?"
Johnahth yelled.
"Those people with brave and humble heart always win!The tyranny of the demons is about to end!"he said and attacked with more anger and fury.
He managed to throw away Ian's sword.But Ian was smart.He fought him by waterbending.
So,Johnahth also threw his own sword away and fought him by waterbending.
Meanwhile,Kelta was fighting with her sword against Cressida.It was her only weapon.
When Cressida threw Kelta's sword away,she was trying to hit her by waterbending.Kelta did nothing more than running away from Cressida.She was powerless.
Cressida was pissed off that time.
"I am not going to play with you!"she said and threw sharp knifes of ice to Kelta.
Thank god,one scratched Kelta only to her face.
Cressida turned her eye to me.
She tried to kill me with spark water.It was a technique of Els.
It could kill you.
Johnahth saw her.So,he left Ian and stood behind me.The spark injured him.
I had finished the words of the Moonsong.The roof opened.The real moon lightened me and the star, Aposperitus, appeared near it.I turned behind me and everyone saw me bending water,ice,air and nature at the same time.Princess Jessalin's army together with Ian and Cressida had left from fear of being killed.
Before I realized it,my spirit had been back to the real world.I had fulfiled the prophecy of prophet Zeios.
The first thing I saw was Johnahth dying.

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