Chapter Four

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As I ran away from the gathering of vampires, someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me by my shirt. I kicked out, but the man just laughed.

I looked back to see icy blue eyes staring into my own, captivating me with their stare. I went limp in their grasp and stopped struggling, a sudden relaxation washing over me as a stared into Flynn's eyes.

"You may be Chase's slave, human, but I won't allow you to run" Flynn stated coldly, his harsh words snapping me out of my trance.

I looked up into his light blue eyes again, meeting them with my dark blue ones, silently begging him. He laughed in scorn.

"Go on. Fall to your knees. Beg me for mercy. I may just let you run, bait for one of my brothers" Flynn said cruelly.

I glared at him. No way would I beg this man for mercy! I aimed a kick at his balls, but he just dropped me as I was about to kick.

Flynn's fangs slid down. What... What is he?! Is this all some sick joke?

I took a shaky step backwards, walking into somebody.

I turned around, my blue orbs meeting a pair of emerald green eyes.

When did Tyson get behind me?

It was then that I noticed Chase in between Tyson and Flynn. They'd surrounded me.

"I'm feeling generous, brothers. Why don't we all have a little taste of her? I won't be sharing her again, so make the most of it" Chase snarled.

I noticed Tristan had reappeared, and stood a few feet away, looking disgusted.

"Don't you dare look away!" Chase said angrily, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look into his black eyes, eyes that seemed to draw me in, capturing me within them. I forgot where I was for a moment.

I watched in horror as two sharp teeth slid into view, looking similar to the ones I'd seen Flynn display earlier.

Vampires?! But... They can't be real!

I snapped my gaze away from Chase's eyes, suddenly aware of where I was again.

I tried to duck under the men's arms, a feeble attempt to get out of the situation. Which I knew was impossible. They were freaking vampires, for god's sake!

Chase grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. "Where do you think you're going?" He whispered, nipping my ear causing me to let out a gasp.

I looked around for Tristan, but he was no where to be seen. I was curious about him. He seemed distant from his brothers, different. For one, he wasn't trying to drink my blood!

It was then that something surprising happened. As the brothers were leaning in, a loud knocking noise came from the entrance hall downstairs.

Someone was knocking on the front door, loudly. It was an urgent, impatient sound.

The brothers pulled away from me, tutting and retracting their fangs one by one.

"What a pain" Flynn mumbled. "Another time, maybe"

"I was thirsty, too! Looking forward to piercing the creamy skin of such a fragile little butterfly..." Tyson groaned, then winked at me. "Another time, Love"

Chase just glanced at me then at the long corridor, looking extremely frustrated.

"Stay here, slave. Don't move a muscle or there will be consequences" Chase threatened before disappearing.

I sighed, sliding down the wall until I was sat on the floor, alone with my thoughts.

What would my parents be thinking right now? Would they be looking for me? I remembered my mum's words the morning before I was taken.

Be a good girl Sophia, my darling little angel. Call us at lunchtime and don't get into trouble! Please come straight home after school and stay where it's light and there are a lot of people, okay?

She'd said, half joking about getting into trouble, but her tone was serious when she mentioned coming straight home and staying in the light.

I love you no matter what.

I missed my home. My family. My life. I wish I'd done what my mother said, and gone straight home. But it's too late now. Now I think about it, it's rather strange she warned me to come straight home, almost as if she knew something bad was going to happen...

A single tear slide down the side of my face. Mother... What were you hiding from me?

"Penny for your thoughts?" A kind voice said quietly.

I heard somebody slide down the wall next to me, so I raise my head to see who it was. Tristan was now sat next to me, smiling kindly.

He reached a hesitant hand out towards me, and wiped away my bitter tears with his thumb before placing it in his mouth, tasting them. It was a nice gesture, but a little weird.

"You're tears, they taste so bitter yet so sweet" he mumbled, before he realised what he'd said. His face heated up, and he looked away, embarrassed.

A moment later, he spoke again.

"You okay?" He questioned, worry seeping into his voice.

Staying silent, I shook my head. I'm so far from being okay I thought.

"Is it my ass-faced brothers?" I laughed a little at his question.

He smiled kindly. He was, by far, the nicest of the brothers. "I love your laugh, angel"

I felt like I'd been slapped. I looked at the floor between my legs. I felt more tears forming behind my eyes, and I tried to fight them away.

Noticing my sudden silence, Tristan shuffled forward and cupped my face within his hands, his adorable chocolate brown eyes meeting my dark blue ones.

Staring into his eyes, I felt myself soften. I really like this guy. He's nothing like his brothers.

"I'm sorry, was it something I did? Something I said?" Tristan whispered frantically.

I was surprised he seemed so worried that he'd offended me. Didn't he just want me blood?

"No, it's just... my mother calls me angel" I said quietly. Then I added bitterly "Well, she used too"

Tristan said genuinely "I'm sorry" and looked at me with his sad eyes.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, and for a while, I forgot all about my family and my worries. I just wanted to stay here, I felt content. Tristan seemed to understand my pain, and he made me feel okay.

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