Chapter Thirty One

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Chase's POV
I know she didn't mean it like that, I just can't think straight. My headache is back, and it's stronger than ever. It feels as if my skull is being crushed, from the inside out.

I can feel him trying to get I my head, constantly. And if Iose control of my emotions again, that could be his chance.

He could take over my body. He could take Sophia from us, from me! He could-


Nothing is going to happen to my precious Sophia. Zephyr isn't going to get into my body.

Pain exploded in my head straight after that thought, causing me to stumble. No. He's trying to get in again.

Let me in, bloodsucker. He sent straight to my thoughts.

Never. I snapped back, irritated and in pain after his constant onslaughts. More pain came, an intense burning this time. I fell to my knees, clutching my head.

What if she chose one of your brothers over you? Remember when Sophia rejected you? Well, she's going to accept me. She's mine, I'll claim her. And I'm going to make you watch, as I bite into the delicate skin in her neck, then fuck her until she screams my name instead of yours. You'll also be watching as I change her into a werewolf, where she'll be by my side forever, and you'll have to live with the knowledge she hates you and chose me instead of you. She'll have my children, my successors. So... how should I get her to hate you? Hm... What should I do... inform her of your past, perhaps? Tell her how you murdered innocents, parents, in front of their children then drained the children afterwards? She'll love you then, I'll bet.

I lost it. He knows exactly how to push my buttons, remind me of things I tried so hard to forget.

"Shut up shut up shut up! If you even lay a hand on her I'll-"

My sentence cut off as I chocked, gasping desperately for air I know I don't need. I felt my mind drifting downwards as a foreign presence filled every corner of it. I was still thinking and in my own skin, but my thoughts weren't in sync with my body and I couldn't feel anything. It was as if my brain couldn't work out how to use my limbs anymore.

"Well, it won't be my hands on her, it'll be yours" he spoke in my voice. It was sickening, wrong. I need to get him out, right now!

I tired to push him out, but he had firmly secured himself inside my head. For the first time in my life since I came of age, I felt utterly helpless.

My body took a step forward.

"Hm... This is strange. Gonna have to get used to this or I won't be able to act like the leech..."

Hey, I'm still in here! Get out of my body right now!

I heard my laugh, but it sounded strange, hearing it from someone else's point of view. It was as if I was a completely different person.

He began walking, clumsily using my body as his vessel.

I have no idea how I'm going to warn the others. Hopefully, they'll notice something is off. We all know each other inside out. There's no way this mutt can do a convincing impression of me, even in my skin.

"Don't count on it, parasite. I'm an experienced shifter and skinwalker"

Fuck you I thought angrily at him.

I felt my body shrug and walk towards the sound of familiar voices.


Tyson's POV
When Chase strolled into the room, I knew instantly something was wrong.

His usually arrogant walk had been replaced by a much more careful one, as if he was planning his ever step. His black eyes were dull and his face was twisted into an uncomfortable looking grimace, as if he was in extreme pain.

He looked my way, his face showing subtle signs of shock. He quickly wiped the grimace from his face the second he knew I was eyeing him.

Trust me when I say I know my twin better than anyone, probably even better than he knows himself. And I'm not lying when I say something's defiantly up with him.

His careful walk, his dull eyes, his pained expression.

Vampires aren't capable of feeling pain on the level he was showing. What's going on with him?

Zephyr's POV
He's fighting me.

I mean, I knew he wouldn't just accept me into his body, but he's a lot stronger than I thought. The pressure he's putting on my mind is so intense I can hardly think straight! I didn't realise he possessed this kind of strength.

And his damn twin isn't really helping either. I'm not sure if he knows, but I'm pretty sure he does. And even if he doesn't know exactly what is happening, the way he's eyeing me is making me nervous. He definitely knows something is wrong, and it's only a matter of time before he figures it out. Damn, I'm panicking too much. If I relax, they won't suspect a thing.

At least the other two don't seem to have noticed anything is different. I'm not quite used to this body yet, but when I am, no one will be able to stop me.

With the power and swiftness of a shifter and a vampire vessel, Sophia will be mine. And no one will be able to stop me.

Sophia's POV
I didn't go after Chase.

I just stared at the door, thinking about him, thinking about what I said.

I'm probably the last person he wants to see right now. I said some awful things to him, accident or not. I basically said his whole life has been a waste of time, not worth living. Oh my god! I'm such a terrible person...

I hurt someone I care deeply for, someone I... Someone I love. His words echo inside my head.

'So my life has always been crap because I'm a vampire?'

I brought my knees to my chest.

'Am I and my brothers, your brothers, not good enough for you or something?'

I hugged them tight.

'So my life has always been crap?'

I squeezed my eyes shut.

'Not good enough for you or something?'

I clutched my head, feeling my consciousness drift away.

'Not good enough for you?'

' Not good enough for you'

'Not good enough for you'

My body became weak, and I collapsed. The last thing I felt was a pair of strong arms scooping me up before my consciousness slipped silently away and I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Who do you think it is????? xD

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