Chapter Twenty

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I decided not to think too deeply about what Flynn had said, I wasn't ready to face my past yet. I hadn't even fully come to terms with the fact that these four men I'd just met were my brothers!

"I'm so glad you're all alive" I whispered, feeling a lump build in my throat again. "I-I thought I'd l-lost you all f-forev-ver" a single tear fell down my cheek, leaving the skin looking pink in its wake.

"Oh god, here come the waterworks" Chase said, smiling and giving a small laugh as he sat on the bed next to me.

I couldn't help but smile back, it was almost contagious. I felt myself shuffling nearer to him, wanting to be closer to that smiling man that I love.

He smirked.

"Want to be closer to my sexy body?" He asked, trying to look innocent. Nice try.

I shoved his chest playfully. He used this to his advantage and grabbed my wrists and pulled me into his lap. Shocked at his sudden moment, I let out a small squeak.

"So fragile" he whispered softly, his breath tickling my ear. I shuddered, content. I buried my face into his shoulder, inhaling his sweet scent and letting out a small sigh.

He nuzzled me with his head gently.

Was it even possible for him to be gentle? Who is this guy and what has he done with Chase? I laughed softly.

Wiping away my tears with one hand, he used the other to lift my chin with his finger tips and he leaned in.

Oh my god he's going to-

Cold lips brushed against my warm ones. I gasped in shock. I've never kissed anyone before, but I couldn't pull away.

He started kissing me slowly and delicately, then our kiss started getting more and more urgent, as if we couldn't get enough if each other.

I tangled my fingers in his black hair and pulled him closer. I wasn't thinking about anything else. Only him. I wanted all of him.

He shifted our positions so that I was no longer on his lap, my back on the bed, his lips never once leaving mine.

He pressed himself against me so his body covered nearly all of mine. One of his hands started to trace circles on my arm while his other knotted itself into my hair. It felt like he was a protective cage around my frail body.

I forgot where I was and who I was with for a moment, until a deliberate, loud cough sounded throughout the room from Tyson and Flynn shouted, "God, get a room!" In a jokey tone, but with a sharp edge.

Chase ignored Flynn and kept kissing me. But I was no longer enjoying it, since my voice of reason was now functioning again and that I knew the others were watching.

Yes, I'll admit I was a enjoying it a little before...

I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him. But he didn't budge.

So I slapped him. He looked at me, stunned, like he didn't expect me to do something like that. Though he quickly recovering, glaring at me before disentangling his hand from my hair and sitting up.

The others were stood only a few metres away, all watching with emotionless eyes. I'm so embarrassed! But that soon vanished and manifested itself into guilt when I examined their expressions more closely.

Flynn looked like he was about to throw up. He caught me looking and stormed out of the room.

Tristan was just looking down at his feet, something he seems to do a lot, I've noticed. Then he left, too.

As for Tyson, he had a huge smirk plastered across his face.

"What are you smirking at?" I asked, upset that Flynn and Tristan had left the way they did.

But it was my fault. Why did I kiss Chase in front on them? How had I lost control of myself long enough to even kiss him in the first place?

"I'm just glad I have no intention of getting involved romantically with you. I view you as a mere human and nothing more until you're returned to the vampire you once were. Then I will have my sister back. Unlike my brothers, who by the way, all want you for themselves as their mate" Tyson told me, though it was clear he didn't entirely believe all he spoke was true.

Chase glared at him, before standing up and pulling me up with him, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close again.

"Leave" he said, his tone threatening, possessive almost.

Tyson stared at me with an expression I couldn't place, then left us alone, slamming the door behind him.

Chase turned to me.

"So, where were we?" He questioned with a cocky grin, leaning in.

I pushed him away.

I can't do this right now. There are so many thoughts and feelings swirling around inside me. But a part of me longed for him, for his touch. To go back to kissing him like before. But I need time. Time to think.

"You don't have to think, Sophia. You're drawn to me, aren't you? We're supposed to be together!" He replied to my thoughts, wrapping his other arm around me so we were chest to chest.

"You did that on purpose! You kissed me in front of them on purpose!" I accused.

"So what if I did? I was showing them who you really belong to. Who you crave" he answered simply.

I didn't know what to say, so I shoved him away. He didn't resist, he just watched me as I left.

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