Chapter Twenty One

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~unedited, just wanted to update so I threw a quick chapter together~

I was fuming, too mad for words. I don't belong to anyone, yet it's brought up again and again!

'Are you Chase's blood slave' 'do you belong to Chase' 'you belong to me' and 'you're mine now'

It's all I hear all the bloody time!

I'm a person, I have feelings! I'm not an inanimate object that exists for people to own! I'm sick of it. I keep telling myself to leave, just to walk out, but I can't. And I'm not sure what would happen if I did...

I screamed in frustration, unable to keep it in anymore. It had been building up inside me ever since I was brought to this god damn place!

I just kept on walking, trying to find my room, but all the corridors looked the same.

Sighing, I sat on the floor. This place is huge! Anyway, there's no where specific that I need to be right now, so a rest won't hurt. I just didn't want to see anyone right now.

I'd been sat there a couple of minutes in silence when I heard the sound of voices murmuring lowly, coming from the door across the hall from where I sat.

I told myself to ignore them, just to get up and leave, but being the nosy person I am I let curiosity overwhelm me. My curiosity started by shutting out the voice of reason before it had a chance to pipe up to stop my stupid actions.

Cautiously, I got to my feet, trying not to make a sound. It seems vampires have ridiculously good hearing and I don't intend to test that out.

I tiptoed to the door and pressed my ear against it. My hearing isn't nearly as good as theirs, I need to amplify the sound.

"-how she kissed him back. They're meant to be, we can't interfere with that. The way she lost herself and submitted to him. He's the one that's meant to turn her, be with her! As much as I hate it, that's the truth." I made out Tristan's voice saying.

"Yes, but I'm supposed to be with her, too! When my skin made contact with hers, I could feel the pull. She's supposed to be with me! And I truly love her, Chase cheated! He showed her a little of the power your mate can have over you. She's mine" Flynn retorted angrily.

I gasped sharply, shocked at what I'd overheard. The room almost instantly fell silent.

I held my breath, scared that they stopped because they'd heard me. But they soon resumed conversation.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about. I've never felt any 'pull' as you call it. I'm just worried that when she decides, the family will be torn apart. Jealously, hatred, anger, everything! And I don't want that to happen. So try not to get too attached, either of you. She may not choose you. In the end, it'll always be Chase!" Tyson's voice stated.

"But I've been nice to her ever since she got here! So she should pick me! Okay, it's true I think it's cruel to keep humans as slaves but even you guys know I don't usually treat them as equals. They shouldn't be slaves, but they're still below us in the hierarchy! Still, I'm no longer going to pretend. I do have feelings for her. I've realised them now and I love her" Tristan said.

"So you were acting? You being nice was pretence? Unusual for you, brother. You are the most empathetic out of us all. You sympathise with them" Tyson replied.

Silence descended again. I stood there, waiting for them to say more.

"Curiosity killed the cat, my little butterfly. You'd better come in and join us, since you've already heard half of our conversation" Flynn spoke once more, and I could practically hear the grin in his voice.

I backed away from the door. No way, they heard me!

"Come in, Human. You know I said I wouldn't use my ability on you? This is an exception. We all need to have a little chat. Tyson, get Chase" He said, tone commanding.

The door in front of me opened, and Tyson walked out, his green eyes briefly resting in me. As he passed me, he trailed his hand across my stomach, making my breathing hitch. He flashed me a cocky grin and walked away.

I couldn't see anyone in the dim room, and I have no intention of going in there. I'm still not ready to face everyone.

I turned to walked away when I felt like someone was dragging my feet towards the room, and I couldn't think, my mind going blank.

No! Stop! Turn around, just don't go into the room! I tried to tell my body. But it was as if I was somewhere deep inside my body rather than controlling it. It was almost as if someone else was, which is exactly what's happening. Before I knew it, I was in the room with the two vampires standing before me.

"Sit" Flynn said lazily, and I sat down in the nearest chair.

Then I could think for myself again.

"So sorry about that, but it was clear you weren't going to join us without some... motivation" Flynn told me, examining his nails absent-mindedly.

As I was about to retort, Tyson strolled into the room, closely followed by his twin, who looked a little nervous but just as confused as I am.

But when he caught me examining his expression, he quickly gave me his signature smirk and I felt my face heat up.

When he was sat down, Tyson began to talk. Wow, this situation seems awfully familiar!

"I'm sure we all know what this is about" he said, looking around the circle until his eyes fell on me. "How much did you overhear?" He whispered.

"Enough" I whispered quietly back, my eyes drifting from his face to the floor. He nodded to himself.

"Then we definitely need this little chat"

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