Chapter Eleven

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Tristan's POV

I'm disgusted and angry with myself that I succumbed to the almost magnetic pull of Sophia's blood. And then drained an innocent little boy dry afterwards.

It's just like what happened when I came of age... I'll never forget that day, I'll regret what happened for the rest of my long, miserable life.

But my brothers had tied me up in silver chains and starved me for 6 days. I had little willpower left! But that's no excuse. I should've fought the urges for longer. Waited until I would be given more donated blood from the hospital.

No point beating myself up about it now, though. What's done is done and all.

But will I ever be able to look her in the eyes again? Now she's seen the worst side of me? She's seen who we vampires are, under the facade. We try to control ourselves, but when we're hungry, we don't care who we drain dry. Even if that person is an innocent young child or a loved one.

I don't know if she'll ever forgive me. Or if I'll ever be able to forgive myself.

I did discover one thing when I was drinking Sophia's blood though. But it can't be possible.

I couldn't believe it. Sophia is...

No. She can't be. It's not possible, is it?

But she's not...

I tried not to think about it as I shouted at my brothers to let me out. Chase had taken Sophia away, and Tyson had left after he'd examined the dead boys' body, excitement clear in his eyes as he probed the child's lifeless corpse. He's such a twisted sadist.

When the door finally opened, I wasn't surprised to see only Chase and Flynn. Tyson's pretty much always asleep, when he isn't causing pain to others.

The instant I saw them stood there in the doorway, my anger flared up and I attacked them both, trying to pin them to the floor.

But they were both older and faster than me, they saw the attack coming a mile away.

So it was Chase who pinned to me to the floor, rather than the other way around. I snarled and flashed my fangs at him, thrashing around to no avail underneath his body weight.

"Where's this sudden aggressive strength come from, Tristan? The innocent little boy you drained dry without restraint?" He mocked me before bending down and licking the spilled blood from my chin.

"Mmm, I taste two different types of blood, but the stronger one is hers. She tastes better than my last one..." he moaned, to my disgust.

But he'd not drank enough of her blood to realise what I'd realised.

"How was it, brother? Did you like it? I bet you loved drinking actual human blood" Chase talked eagerly, as blood was one of his main interests. Predictable.

"No, you assholes. I. Hated. Every. Second." With that, I managed to shove him away. I glared at them both over my shoulder as I stormed off down the corridor.

"He'll aquire a taste for it, brother" I heard Flynn say to Chase. "Just a matter of time..."

Sophia's POV

Numb, I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling.

I thought I could trust Tristan. I thought he was different.

But he proved to me that he was just like his brothers.

No. I can't blame him. I don't know what's been going on for the last six days. Just because he was the one that drank from me first, doesn't mean I can blame him. He looked starving. That's probably what they did. Starve him.

I mean, if no one fed me for almost a week, if I was put close to food I would eat it without thinking. So I could forgive him for drinking from me, I guess.

I'd do anything for a meal if I was extremely hungry. Just like Tristan was hungry. But he still killed an innocent boy. For that, I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to forgive and forget.

I was pulled from my thoughts when the mattress sunk down, and a shadow leant over me. I was so surprised at being dragged from my thoughts I couldn't even make words form in my mind. I turned my neck to look in the direction the mattress had sank in.

Closer inspection revealed it was Tyson, who was in the same position as Tristan was a few minutes ago. Snapping out his fangs, he leant in so his lips were next to my ear.

"My turn"

So I'm thinking of continuing this story, but with multiple points of views (a bit like in this chapter, but longer) What do you guys think about that?

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