Chapter Fourteen

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Silence followed. Nobody spoke, no nobody moved. They were all staring at my face, looking for some sign of a reaction.

This was all a joke, right? I only have a younger sister, my mother and my father. I didn't have four brothers, four vampire brothers on top of that! Haha, good one. They're wrong, how could they possibly know that? This has to be a sick joke. What were they talking about?!

No. I can't believe I was falling for my brothers. I can't even be related to them! I'm human!

"Wait... you were falling for all of us? I thought you hated us all except Tristan" Chase grinned, despite the awkward situation.

Damn him and his ability to read minds! It's such an invasion of my privacy... "But what we're all thinking is the same. How come you're a human?"

"Kira?" Tristan questioned.

The name struck a chord deep inside my brain, making me flinch.

Memories flashed before my eyes, images of me and the guys in front of me when we were very young, playing happily in the snow. Tristan was giving me a piggyback as I pointed in wonder at the falling snowflakes. He laughed happily and swung me around, hugging me tightly. The others were throwing snowballs at each other, then laughing as Tyson got hit and fell over, who was now laughing on his back in the snow.

"You remember, don't you?" Tristan whispered.

All I could do was nod.

"When that son of a bitch brought you here" Tristan continued, pointing at Chase, who glared angrily back. "He didn't know who you were. None of us did"

So... my parents aren't my parents? My little sister isn't my little sister? None of my life was even real? I felt tears forming behind my eyes, threatening to spill over the edge. I tried my hardest to hold them back, but I couldn't help it. I began to cry, the tears falling down my face, staining my cheeks in imperfect, wobbly lines.

Tristan immediately sat down beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders reassuringly.

"It's going to be okay" he whispered gently as he pulled me onto his lap. "Shh, it's okay. It's going to be okay"

But it's not okay, is it? I'm falling in love with my brothers, especially this guy who talked to me so gently. My old life wasn't even real. It's definitely not okay.

Somebody knocked on the front door rather loudly, making us all jump.

"I'll go get that" Chase said. Tyson yawned.

Chase came back a couple of minutes later, a men and a woman behind him.

"Hello, Kira. We're your parents, Chase called for us as soon as he found out. I take it you know who you are?" the woman asked kindly, but I still flinched away from her when she said 'we're your parents'.

I just nodded my head again, like I was programmed to do so. I just felt numb, this new information filling my brain. I feel like my whole life has been a lie...

"We can explain everything. Even our boys don't know the truth" the man said, looking at each person in turn.

"How rude. We didn't tell you our names! I'm Sky and that's Elian. Why don't we take this downstairs? There's a lot to explain." Sky said kindly, offering her hand to me.

I took it, and we made our way downstairs. Eventually, we reached a huge dining room and sat at the table. I was opposite Sky and Elian and in between Chase and Tyson, much to my distaste. Out of them all, the twins had to be my least favourite. Chase brought me here and Tyson is a sadist!

Chase jabbed me and hissed "keep your opinions too yourself!"

Elian coughed, getting me to focus again.

"Before you lost your memories of us, we were a happy family. We all loved you very much. But our happiness didn't last. You were only 5 in human years, too young to remember. The wolves" he spat at the floor angrily "wanted to take you away, as you were destined to be the mate of their Alpha. When we refused to hand you over, the Alpha threatened to kill all your brothers then take you himself. So we did what we had to. We took away your memories and vampire abilities, so you didn't know you were a vampire. Eventually, you appeared human to everyone around you. Including fellow vampires"

He glanced at his sons before continuing.

"When we'd sealed away your memories and abilities, we left you outside the home of a human family. We used our abilities to make them think you were their child, and you the same. When the time was right, you'd be drawn towards our sons, and them to you. Until you fell in love with one of them, and became queen. Then you'd marry them and they'd turn you back into the strong vampire you once were, so we can face those mutts once and for all"

Wait... marry one of my brothers?! That's incest and is actually disgusting. I turned my face away.

"It's not uncommon within the vampire world" Chase said quietly.

This was too much to take in.

They were my brothers? I had to marry one of them?! Hell no.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what to think. I stood up and fled from the room, without looking back.

I heard someone stand up behind me, but I didn't slow down.

"Let her go, Tristan. She needs some time to think alone" Sky's kind voice spoke softly as I ran from the room.

I'm going to leave and never come back. And I'm going to do it now.

I don't like this chapter very much, but meh. May delete and rewrite later. Sorry for the information overload...

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