Chapter Thirty Four

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Cole's POV
She's so beautiful, my father chose well. Though she needs taming, but that should be easy for me. Once she's officially mine, she'll love me anyway. Nobody can resist the pull of their mate. Not even the defiant, strong willed girl before me.

Though she's not my true mate, we can still forge a strong bond. You see, I want to be King. But I'm competing with my seven brothers for the title. Who ever gets a mate first will inherit the throne after father dies. I turned to the beauty before me yet again.

"Come over and beg for my forgiveness, and I may go easier on you" I growled at her, a smirk plastered across my face. This is going to be fun, a challenge.

"Never, you piece of trash!" She shouted back at me, clutching the dress to her body. Though she was trying to be strong, she was visibly shaking. So she's afraid of me... Interesting. Why is she scared of me and not of the leeches that kidnapped her? I intend to marry her and cherish her. They just keep her for her blood!

It matters not. They'll never find her, and she'll soon forget all about them.

"Now now, is that how you talk to your lover?" I smirked at her again, causing her to gasp and stumbled backwards, tripping over her own feet.

She regained her balance and gaped at me. She looks so surprised at my words, how adorable. I couldn't contain the chuckle that forced its way past my lips.

"Poor little lamb, stuck in the den of a wolf. Has it just hit you?" I got to my feet and walked towards her, and she began shaking so badly her legs failed and collapsed beneath her, making her to fall to her knees before me.

I stood in front of her and grabbed her face roughly, forcing her to look up at me. She didn't resist, but she did manage to glare fiercely at me.

"You're my Princess, my bride, my lover. All mine"

Tristan's POV
Groaning in pain, I shakily got to my feet. My throat feels like sandpaper, and my head is spinning... I can't think straight... Blood... So thirsty...

Now that I try and think about it, I can't remember when I last fed.

Oh yeah. When my stupid brothers starved me and forced me to drink from Sophia. I've still not fully forgiven them for that one.

It became harder and harder to think properly as my mind only had one all consuming thought, one instinct.


I headed downstairs in a trance like state to where I store my bags of blood.

I'm different from my brothers. They drink from people, straight from the vein. I drink from hospital blood bags, but this does have its disadvantages. The blood I drink is 'dead', whereas blood straight from humans is full of life, straight from their veins. But I can't bring myself to hurt a human like that.

We only drink blood as our body uses it to function, because our blood doesn't restore itself. Our veins dry out, and we need to keep replenishing ourselves.

I opened the lid of the first of three fridges where I keep my supply. There were two bags of blood left in the first, and I eagerly drank both. I moved to open the lid of the second fridge, and when I did I jumped back on surprise, snapping out of my trance like state.

There, among the backs of blood, lay Zephyr's body.
Sorry that it's so short 😕

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