Chapter Two

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When I woke up, I was alone. I was a little confused as to why my mother hadn't come to wake me up yet, it was a school day after all. Usually, she'd be shouting from outside the door for me to get up, and I'd hear her making a lot of noise from downstairs as she made me and my sister breakfast. But the whole house seemed eerily quiet, not a single sound could be heard.

I rolled over to check the time on my clock, and was confused to find it wasn't there. Instead, there was a red lamp that spread a dim light across my room.

Except, it wasn't my room.

The room I was in was foreign, I'd never seen it before. I was in a very large, very red bedroom.

Saying that everything was red was no exaggeration.  Everything in the room was red, besides the dark oak wood of the bed.

Red curtains, carpet, bedsheets. Red walls. Red everything. So much so it started to hurt my eyes.

Someone has obsessions with the colour red.

It was then that I recalled what had happened last night.

Running. Hiding. Kidnapped.

I saw a mirror hanging on a wall by the bed, and I stepped left so I could see myself in it.

I found I was weirdly clean and had unfamiliar silky red pyjamas on.

I clearly remember getting dirt smeared on my face as I slid behind that skip... And my hair had been down.

Now, my face was completely clean and my hair had been braided. But... Who had done this?

After seeing myself in the mirror, my instinct was to look for a possible way to escape.

My eyes rested in the door. If I go that way, he may be there... Whoever 'he' is. But that's the easiest way...

No, that's not an option. It's probably locked anyway and I don't want to bump into him again.

I've not even seen his face and I hate him. The way he called me slave... The way he can make you want to kneel before him...

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked to my right and saw a window. It's also probably locked... and it's probably not the ground floor. But would I rather lay here and wait for him? No, I'll take my chances. I walked over to the window, striding with purpose.

Damn! It's really far to the ground... But even if I fall to my death, it's better than staying, for whatever reason I am here.

Hell, maybe I'll fall and discover I can fly! That'd be cool, I thought, laughing despite the situation.

I slid the window up, careful not to make too much noise. To my surprise, it wasn't locked. I heard a brief sound from behind me, but I chose to ignore it, focused on escape.

Then, someone spoke from behind me. I swear I nearly fell out of the window!

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Master Chase will be mad with you" an unfamiliar, high pitched voice stated.

A voice. But not his voice.

I spun round faster than I ever had done in my life. If it wasn't him, then who was it?

A very young boy stood there, so I relaxed. No scary man. He only ought to be about 7. Maybe he has a son?

"Who are you?" I asked softly, walking over and kneeling in front of him, so I could be at his height. What was a kid doing in a place like this? Who ever took me were probably rapists or something, so why was a child here?

"I'm Joshua" the little boy replied.

Then I noticed them.

On the little boy's neck and wrists were several scars. Two little round pricks, on several places on his delicate skin. Some were open wounds, fresh.

"What are these? How did you get them?" I asked him gently, running my fingers carefully over them.

"Master gave them to me. He told me every good boy got them. It hurt me. He did it with his mouth like this" Joshua answered innocently, doing an unnerving action at the same time whilst gnashing his teeth.

Somebody coughed, and we both looked up at the same time.

Joshua turned around and yelped. A person I can only assume was the man from earlier stood behind him, glaring. He looked angry, aggressive, cruel, cold, unforgiving, tall, sexy, hot...

Wait, sexy and hot? Shut up brain! You're supposed to hate him! Just because he's good looking doesn't mean you can suddenly drool over him!

"Did I give you permission to talk to her?" The man said in a dark, threatening tone.

"N-no, M-m-master C-chas-se. But she was g-going to c-climb out of the w-window" the little boy stuttered, backing up into me.

"Go" the man said sharply. The little boy ran so fast that if you didn't know better, you'd have thought he was just playing, racing.

"What are you doing darling? Not trying to run I hope. If you were being a bad slave, you'll have to be punished" he grinned at me, as if the thought of punishing me made him happy.

What about my family, surely they'll notice my absence. Are the police looking for me? My train of thought was broken by him and his smooth, velvety voice.

"Your little family probably doesn't miss you. And by the way, my name is Chase"

Chase... I love that name. Reminds me of calm woodland, for some reason.

But I hate this guy. He kidnapped me and I don't know what he wants with me! But, looking at his face, he's pretty handsome.... and he has defined muscles... he's really hot and I find him a little sexy. Okay, more than a little.

Under different circumstances I'd probably ask him on a date. But now is not those circumstances. He chucked.

"I'm hot, handsome and you find me sexy?" He repeated my exact thoughts in a smug tone.

Wait... what! How did he... I flushed crimson, mad at myself for thinking such things.

"How did I know what you were thinking? Well, I can read your mind, darling." Chase said, his voice dropping with sarcasm on the last word.

"But that's impossible!" He just smiled at me. A sickening smile.

"Do you like the pyjamas? I took the liberty of bathing you and dressing you, since you were out cold and I couldn't let you sleep in clean sheets all dirty like that. Hope you don't mind" he told me casually, flashing a smirk at me when he finished.

"You pervert! What do you want with me? I was just on my way home when you kidnapped me, and you're scaring me! Please let me go..." He didn't respond, just smiled. I could feel tears pricking on my eyes, but I fought them back. I wasn't going to cry in front of him.

"I'm feeling a little thirsty..." He said, looking a me as if he expected me to solve that issue.

"Would you like some water?" I asked sarcastically, with no intention of getting him any. I'm not going to be his little 'slave'.

"How naïve..." he let his fangs slide out.

I gasped, taking a step back but ending up tripping over the red rug and landing on my backside.

He stepped closer. I stumbled to my feet, and sprinted past him like my life depending on it. For all I knew, it probably did.

What the fuck?! Did I just see that, or am I going crazy?

"I was in the mood for another game. How convenient" he said with a laugh as he left the room.

I know this update sucked, but I promise it will get better 😄

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