Chapter Thirteen

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Sophia's POV

I'm so confused. Chase has begun to treat me more gently, and I think I have feelings for Tristan.

I love his gentle words and kind smile. His understanding, adorable chocolate brown eyes. His scruffy bright red hair. His considerate heart. His beliefs that humans aren't much different than vampires, and shouldn't be kept as slaves.

I just... love him. I'm not in love with him, but I love him. Though I don't know how he feels about me. Especially after all that happened yesterday.

I've actually developed feelings for all of the brothers, which surprises me. Even Tyson, the grumpy sadist, who was especially hard to like! Especially when he acted like a spoilt, grumpy toddler when he didn't get his sleep.

I love Flynn too, with his icy blue eyes and flirty personality, as much as I hate to admit it. I like his cheeky smirk and the affect his words have on me, though it scares me.

Chase, with his dominant air and coal black eyes... It scares me how his dominance turns me on.

I felt my face heat up at that. Did I just think that?! No, I deny ever having thought that. I hope he's not close enough to have heard that thought...

But most of all Tristan was on my mind constantly, especially after having saved me on my first day here.

I snapped out of my thoughts, coming back to reality.

God dammit! I'm not falling for any of them!

Before I passed out, I remember Flynn saying he'd 'found out something interesting'

What's with them?! First Tristan with his mysterious 'you're...' 'but how come'... and all that annoying shit.

What's going on?

My head felt like it was being crushed, though sensation was brief so I thought nothing of it. I'm just thinking too much. God damn those brothers, messing with my head!

A cough brought me back to reality yet again.

"Finally you're awake, my darling" a voice immediately recognised spoke softly.

"Yeah" I replied, meeting Chase's black orbs with my own.

Before I could finish saying 'yeah' I found myself pinned to the bed. What did I do? I just looked at the ceiling, without saying anything. I didn't feel like fighting anymore right now, I'll save my energy for later. I'm so tired my eyes are starting to close on there own.

"I've been very lenient with you, darling, I've not really given you any punishments. I've not even tasted your blood myself! And you've looked me in the eye several times. Are you my equal?"

I looked at him. "No, Master" I cringed. I still wasn't used to called him that.

"You just looked me in the eye again" he said coldly.

I tensed beneath him. Why was he so... dominating?

It excites me and scares me at the same time. It always has with all the brothers, even Tristan has a dominant air about him. But I still hate the oldest three. I think.

"I'm not going to punish you" he continued "but I want to taste you myself. To see what my brothers are on about. Plus, I'm thirsty"

I barely heard him. The crushing sensation in my head had come back, worse than before. I grabbed my head and groaned.

"Sophia?" Chase questioned quietly, sounding a little worried.

I just groaned again in response.

"Oh! This is my fault. Here" he finished, biting into his skin and pressing his wet wrist to my mouth.

With out thinking, I accepted his offering and drank the liquid before letting out a slight moan. Chase smiled slightly and chuckled.

When he pulled away his wrist, I huffed in annoyance. He smirked at me.

"Enjoying that?" He asked, and I blushed, embarrassed.

"Cute" he whispered before he leant down and nestled his head into my neck.

I passed out almost immediately when I felt his fangs pieced my skin. I'd lost way too much blood these few days.


When I came around, Chase was sat on the end of the bed, staring at me with wide black eyes.

"I don't believe it..." he muttered and left the room.

Don't believe what?


I can't muster the energy to open my mouth, but I know he can hear my angry thoughts. I don't care if I get punished, I just need to know what's happening.

Why did the three of them have the same response?

Did I have a blood STD or something? Haha that's not even a real thing.

Chase soon return with his younger brothers and older twin. All of them looked shocked, especially Flynn.

I guess no one told him earlier whatever everyone is keeping secret from me.

Flynn looked so cute and hot at the same time. His blonde hair was all ruffled up and he was wearing only a pair of boxers. He caught me looking and his shock changed to amusement.

"Like what you see? Of course you do" he said, winking at me and raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Chase nudged his brother. "Ow! Okay, I'll behave" he huffed, flashing a grin my way.

"Okay" Chase began. They gathered around me in a semicircle. "We need to talk about my slave"

I glared at him, but he didn't appear to notice and continued his speech.

"We used to have a sister. She died many years ago, but we don't like to dwell on that fact" Chase began, sadness clear in his moist, shimmering eyes.

That was the first raw emotion I'd seen him show, and it was honestly a relief. So he does feel things like a normal human being.

There was an awkward pause.

"At least that's what we thought" Tyson concluded.

"So your sister isn't dead? Is she a horrible person or something?" I felt really bad after I'd said it when Chase turned his distressed face towards me and gazed at me with his sad eyes again.

Tyson looked at his feet. Chase scratched his neck. Flynn wrung his hands. It was Tristan who spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled over the gathering.

"You're our sister, Sophia. But how come you're human?

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