Chapter Twenty Two

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Flynn's POV

Ever since we found out Sophia was closely related to us, my brothers and I knew this talk was inevitable. We were just trying to buy some time. None of us wanted to think about it, let alone talk about it.

The future, that is. Our future.

And we have no idea how Sophia will react.

Will she be angry? Sad? Hate us? Love the idea of what's to come? The last possibility is highly doubtful.

But it doesn't matter what she's going to think. That's soon going to change.

When our parents sealed away her vampire side to protect her from the wolves, her past was stolen away, too.

And the past effects our views on things, which effects how we react and feel.

It's very difficult to turn a vampire human, and it's never permanent. But like I said, Sophia's vampire side was sealed away, and her memories wiped.

But when she's turned back, she'll remember everything.

And we'll have our sister back. It's been a long time. And I can't wait, I just hope she chooses me. Even though I know this whole situation is seriously fucked up, I want to be the one to hold her.

I love her. I need her.

Sophia's POV

All of the brothers seemed to be deep in thought, and the only sound was my breathing among the statue like figures.

Though I'm pretty sure they could all here my heartbeat, too.

I'm still angry that Chase took advantage of me and kissed me in front of everyone. And let's not forget Joshua being killed. I scowled and crossed my arms, wishing to be anywhere but here.

Flynn cleared his throat, making everyone, including me, jump. As if pulled suddenly out of a trace, the others snapped their heads in my direction.

"Look, we have to talk about our future" He said calmly, as if he hadn't just scared the shit out of everyone with a simple sound.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, all their eyes were on me. I knew this was a necessary conversation, but that doesn't mean I want to have it right now, or ever, for that matter.

"I'm unsure how to start, I'm sorry. Tyson?" Flynn questioned.

Tyson huffed in annoyance but stood up and opened his mouth to speak anyway.

"Urgh. What a pain. As you know, you have to choose one of us. And by the way, I know it's not going to be me. I don't even like you and you don't like me"

"Lies" Flynn muttered under his breath.

Tyson shot a glare in his direction before continuing. "Well, I don't like the human version anyway and-" I cut him off.

"Sorry I'm confused. What do you mean by 'the human version'? There's only one of me!" As well as being confused, I was extremely irritated by the brothers' arguments over me as if I wasn't even there.

He sighed. "Yes. Physically there is one of you. But technically there are two. As I was going to say, the vampire version of you is still currently sealed away. But you already know that. But what you don't know is that your memories were taken away, too. But when you're changed back, they will return and your opinions about us and our world will probably change along with them. Because when you were younger, you adored us all, and we felt the same about you. It was a heartbreaking day when you were ripped away from us. But it was necessary to keep you safe. Chase, explain the next part?"

Chase nodded as Tyson sat back down.

"We told you that you have to choose who you want to be with, and you do. But if you were thinking there's a way out, sorry but there isn't" he beckoned me to go over to him, and I felt a pleasant tingling sensation run through my body, so I went over. I have no idea why, I was supposed to be annoyed with him at the minute for taking advantage of me!

When I was close, he pulled me onto his lap and the tingling intensified, making me shudder.

"Where was I?" He murmured, distracted. "Ah yes. The reason you can't get out of this is if you're not turned, eventually you'll go mad and the pain will be unimaginable. And when you are, you'll feel strongly about that person, anyway. Though it won't work of you don't love them truly already. I'm sorry, darling."

I gasped in shock. So there was no way out if this. Chase ran his hand down my arm, and I gasped again, this time in pleasure and pushed my body into his.

"Now Chase, don't cheat" Flynn snarled, and I could feel his piecing eyes on my back.

Chase rolled his eyes and sighed. The tingling stopped abruptly and he pushed me off his lap. Feeling a bit hurt, I went to sit in the chair of sat in before, but someone's hands grabbed my waist and I was pulled onto another lap.

Is this becoming a new thing?

First it was Chase holding people to walls by their throats, now is this a thing? I sure hope not, I don't enjoy being treated like a doll!

The tingling began again, and I felt instantly connected to this person. I moaned slightly, and hoped he hadn't heard. I looked over my shoulder and saw Flynn with a huge grin on his face. I flushed, embarrassed that he'd heard me.

"So you feel it with me, too. I knew it. The desire, the need to be one with your mate, the connection. See, Chase? You're not the only one" the pulling sensation intensified, and I had an irrational desire to grab Flynn's face and kiss him.

"Say that you're mine" he whispered. I opened my mouth and-

I stopped myself. I can't believe I nearly chose him. I don't even really know him!

But I wasn't going to lose control this time. I shoved his chest and stood up, coming back to my senses.

"Can you two stop using this freaky connection thing to make me pick you? I know I have to pick someone, but really! Can't I have some time, like real time, with each of you alone? Without you trying to control or influence me. Then I might make a decision I won't end up regretting as much!" I shouted, getting angry.

I stomped over to my chair and sat down, crossing my arms and legs then staring angrily at a wall.

The whole gathering fell silent after my outburst.

A few moments later, Tristan broke the silence.

"Look, I propose we have a day or so with her each, alone. No mind control" he glared at Flynn. "No mind reading" he glanced at Chase. "And no reading emotions" he looked at Tyson.

I never knew that was Tyson's ability before, that's kinda cool I guess.

"And I'll try not to set her on fire" he finished, letting out a small laugh.

Wait. Was he joking? About not setting me on fire?

"Sounds good" Flynn said, winking at me. I looked away and continued glaring at my wall.

"Sure" said Chase.

"If I have to, but she better not pick me." Tyson finished. Flynn rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Perfect. Sound good, Sophia?" He asked.

I nodded. Finally, I might be able to make a decision. Or am I just making this harder for myself?

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