Chapter Eight

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They came for us the next morning.

I was right, Chase already knew where I was the whole time. What did I expect?

I knew they would come eventually, it was just a matter of time. But I didn't think they'd find us so soon, it made my heart sink.

Someone banged on the door rather loudly, shouting death threats aimed at the old woman and her family if she didn't let them in. Which she obviously did, and I don't judge her for it. I would, to, if somebody threatened my family.

I shot her a pleading look, but she ignored me. I didn't blame her, she looked terrified.

"You m-may c-come in" she stuttered, unlocking the front door hesitantly before stepping back.

So they'd found us.

"Stupid humans, you'll do anything to protect those related to you by blood, even if it means betraying your own kind. Truly disgusting"

It swung open, revealing a fuming Chase. Behind him stood a tired looking Flynn. But all signs of sleepiness vanished and turned swiftly into shock when he saw the old woman. She to, looked surprised and a little afraid. They soon broke eye contact and the elderly woman shuffle out of the room. Flynn slyly winked at me.

Joshua cowered under my arm, repeating over and over what seemed to be a prayer. My heart ached for him, he didn't deserve this! Neither of us did, but he's just a child!

"Seriously, you got me up at this stupid hour to retrieve the girl? It's so early!" Flynn stated, obviously not very happy. "She's not even mine" I did catch him mutter "yet" at the end, though.

I cringed at the word 'mine'. I didn't belong to anyone, and it was going to stay that way thank you very much.

The two handsome vampires stepped into the small living room. The old woman had returned, but she just stood by a wall avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Chase started to walk towards the place where me and Joshua were sitting on the old, dusty sofa. Before he could take another step, I stood up and grabbed Joshua, shoving him protectively being me.

He was like the brother I'd never had.

I hate Chase, he dragged me so cruelly from my life. I hate him so much I wished to see him dead.

But my brain whispered do you really, though?

I saw Chase flinch a little, but I didn't think anything of it.

"Take me back if you want! Just don't take Joshua! He's only a little boy! He did nothing to deserve this! I'll go... willingly. I promise!" I finished, trying not to show my fear.

Sensing the situation, the little boy at my side dived under the table and clutched his knees to his chest and began rocking back and forth.

Chase began to laugh. Flynn smirked slightly but noticeably behind him.

"Glad you'll come willingly, darling" he began, taking a couple of steps forward. I shuffled around the back of the sofa, dragging an extremely scared Joshua with me. The old woman just stood in the corner, gaping at the pair of beautiful but cruel vampires.

"We had no intention of taking Joshua. He's Tyson's blood bag, so that" Chase said, pointing to Joshua and taking a step forward "is his problem"

"What's my problem, brother?" Tyson's voice sounded from the doorway. I could see his head appearing over Chase's shoulder.

"Hello, Tyson" Chase responded without turning around.

Knowing I had nowhere to run, Chase turned to answer his brother's question. "That" he said, pointing at Joshua's trembling form.

Tyson smiled knowingly to himself. "I've been meaning to get rid of that. It's far too young for my taste. But it's such a waste..."

I glared at Tyson, a protective urge washing over me. "Don't you dare hurt him! He's only a child!" I looked at the old woman, begging for help with my eyes. But she just blanked me.

And then Tyson was dragging a terrified Joshua out from under the table, and flung him over his shoulder.

Chase focused his attention back on me, and I made the mistake of meeting his eyes. He grinned at me and stepped forward.

I stepped back again, but my back hit a wall in the tiny room.

I panicked. I was between a dining table and another wall. I'd backed myself into a corner.

Chase took two long strides forward, so he was about 3 inches away from my body.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, and I shoved it away. Flynn watched us, mild amusement clear on his face.

"Now now Sophia darling, you said you'd come willingly. Be a good little girl and don't try and fight me"

He crouched slightly so his lips were grazing my skin, right over the artery in my neck. My pulse quickened at the contact, and I felt his lips lift into a smirk.

I felt his lips part, and then I felt something cold and damp move up my neck.

He just licked me?!

"Mmm... I want to taste your sweet blood again... The taste of your skin alone just makes me want you more..." he moaned, taking a bit of my sensitive skin between his teeth and nipping it.

I shuddered in disgust and shoved him away from me. Gross.

"Looks like your little blood bag is being defiant, brother. Can't you control her? I have a very effective method of controlling my blood bags if you need any help" Flynn stated, his tone holding a hint of humour.

Hearing this, Chase's temper flared up and he grabbed my arm roughly and hauled me out of the small house and shoved me hard into a huge, fancy looking car.

I tripped and fell face first inside. I tried to shuffle to the other end, far away from Chase, but Flynn opened the door and got in. Plus, Chase ordered me to go in the middle, between them. Great. I hope this journey isn't long.

Tyson got in the front, placing Joshua on his lap. The little boy was shaking so violently that I thought he might fall apart.

So Tyson and Joshua sat in the front, Chase sat on one side of me and Flynn on the other. When they were in, the driver began to take us back to the estate. Back to my prison.

Was there really no escape after all?

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