Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chase's POV

I can't believe I fell for the oldest trick in the book, a shifter imitating someone close to you. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I can't believe it, this isn't me! I'd never be so careless, it's not like me, not at all...

And it was obviously Zephyr's blood I drank, which worries me. If he knows the power he holds over me now... who am I kidding, of course he does!

If a vampire drinks shifter blood, that shifter can get inside your head, make you think things, do things and say things you don't mean. If they're strong enough they can even take over the host's body for a while! It's a really dangerous ability. They can even drive vampires to kill themselves or someone they care about, and they won't be suspected. And it appears to everyone else like the vampire did it!

Much more efficient than shifting into the target, as they don't run the risk of running into the real vampire or being discovered by others through smelling different or any other giveaways like that.

I shouldn't be worried, though. Zephyr is dead. I killed him personally, I watched him die.

But when I checked Tristan's room expecting two bodies, I only saw the body of the grey wolf. Zephyr's body was no where to be seen.

It was then that I realised how badly I'd screwed up, because I'd forgotten for a brief yet vital moment that Zephyr wasn't a werewolf. He was a shifter.

I'd never burnt his body like you have to do with shifters. We really messed up bad this time. I really messed up badly this time.

Now we've got one pissed off shifter with a large pack of werewolves following him, wanting to tear us apart.

I don't know if the four of us will be enough to protect Sophia from his desperation anymore.

Sophia's POV

Eventually, me and Tristan got under the covers. I had changed into shorts and a crop top and he was in just his boxers. I wish he was wearing less.

I felt heat creeping onto my face at the irrational, dirty thought. But it wasn't entirely my thought, it was my other half. My annoying, slightly horny, vampiric other half.

I lay as far away as possible from him, because this just felt a little awkward. I've never shared a bed with anyone before, never mind a super hot vampire!

Tristan's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me against his cold body. I gasped in surprise when something press into the back of my thigh.

"Mine" he hissed possessively into my ear.

I blushed furiously and shook my head. Concentrate on something else... His chest pressed against your back, his arm across your stomach...

I failed miserably.

"What are you going red for, love?" Then he chuckled to himself. "Oh, I'm sorry I can't help it when a woman as gorgeous as you is sleeping next to me. My self control is nearly going out the window completely as it is"

He began trailing kisses down my neck and pulled me impossible closer to him.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but it felt so right.

Tristan flipped my body over so I was facing his, and pressed his mouth hard against mine, a kiss laced with need.

His bulge was now pressed against my stomach, moving slightly each time kissed me, getting dangerously close to my own groin.

I felt an overwhelming urge to give myself completely to him in that moment, wanting him, needing him.

My hands played with the top of his boxers, teasing him, showing him I wanted him.

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