Chapter Thirty Six

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Sophia's POV
Cole stopped advancing on me. "He wouldn't dare..." He whispered angrily.

Wouldn't dare to do what? Who?

Was anyone going to explain a damn thing to me anytime soon? I guess not.

"Who, that pesky blood sucker? Hell yeah he would! Who wouldn't lay a temporary claim on a beauty like her?" A familiar voice sounded out from behind us.

The padlock on the door had broken, it lay in two pieces on the floor. Chase stood in the doorway, lust plastered across his features.

"Cousin. What do you want?" Cole spat.

Cousins? Cole and Chase?

"Naw, that's no fun! You saw straight through me!" Chase grinned. What? But... That's Chase, not Zephyr!

"Of course I did, Zephyr. I'm used to your old tricks. You can't fool me" Cole sighed. "So, what brings you here at such an inconvenient time?"

So it's not Chase, it's Zephyr... But why does he look and sound like Chase? It seems like I'm the only one in the dark about everything sometimes!

Chase -I mean Zephyr- pointed at me. "I want the girl, if that's okay with you, dear cousin"

Cole snarled at him, and Zephyr held his hands up in response.

"Easy. Just give me the girl and no on gets h-" his words were cut off as an ear piecing scream tore free of his throat.

He fell to the floor as if someone had just shot him. He pulled his hair roughly with his hands, tugging at it as if it would take away the pain he was feeling.

Another screech echoed from his throat, and his body began to spew blood from his mouth. A coppery stench filled the air, making me gag slightly.

A moment later, a Chase/Zephyr got to his feet.

"You're the reason I managed to break free, Sophia..." He mumbled before collapsing again.

Is it really Chase this time? It is, I'm certain! I began to run over to him, only to be pulled back. Cole looked down at me, his face twisted into a sadistic smirk.

"Going to help you're precious leech? I don't think so" he shoved me against the wall and pinned me there by my throat. I choked due to his constricting hold, my breathing shallow.

Next thing I knew, the pressure on my throat disappeared. When I looked up, I saw a Chase and Cole on the floor, Chase's teeth deep in Cole's neck.

Cole was whimpering desperately, pleading for my help with his eyes. Despite all he's done to me, my emotions overwhelmed my reason.

"Chase! Don't hur- I mean, don't waste your time with him, let's go!" I knew how it would sound if I'd pleaded for Chase not to hurt Cole, so I changed my words last minute.

Chase detached himself from Cole and got to his feet.

"If you ever come near her again, I won't hesitate to kill you and your father both. Am I understood, mutt?" He spat at the pathetic, whimpering man at his feet.

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