Chapter Three - Trickery

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I sat alone in my chambers, watching the scarlet sun disappear from the distant horizon. A slight breeze sailed into the room. The thin fog over the mountains caught the light, so that it seemed as if fire was dancing over their high peaks. I was pondering the probability of this actually happening when a knock came at my door.

I opened it to find Tristan leaning on my doorframe. "Father wants you in his study." he informed me. I groaned loudly. If Gallahein was still there, I was screwed. He was going to be seriously pissed off at me for raining on his pretty boy parade. I smiled at the memory. Then I stopped dead in my tracks. The study doors were slightly ajar. I cautiously began to step inside. Then got the feeling something was horribly wrong. The study seemed empty.

"Tristan?" I squeaked. I began backing away. By the look on his face he felt the warning too. "I'm not going in there without you." I grasped his arm tightly, fear clearly displayed in my grip. He nodded once and we moved to the doors. I took a hesitant step into the room. Tristan followed. Without warning, two enormous arms wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides. I struggled to remove him from me, my snow-white hair falling in front of my face. I heard the doors click shut. A low laugh sounded from somewhere in the room. I shook my hair from in front of my eyes. To my horror, Tristan and Father lay unmoving on the floor.

"Ah, Sindri. How nice of you to join us." Lord Gallahein said. My eyes snapped up to meet his. He stared at me intently. "Lord Mason and I have been waiting for quite a while." I smirked as I noticed his dripping figure in the corner. "Your storm powers have improved since our last meeting." I glared at my uncle.

"What do you want with me? I am nothing to you." I asked.

"You are wrong. You're everything to me." he stated. "Now all I need to do is take what I can." He looked to the guard holding me and nodded. The man spun me around to face him. His eyes were a pale gray. Crap! He's a Sleeper! His irises began to swirl, almost like mist. Then the world went black.


Ha ha! I left you hangin! I'm gonna update again in an hour anyway though, so my victory is short lived. :(  But seriously, I've been updating three times a day. Summer vacation is over in three days, so I'm busy while I can be. Even though you guys read this enough, I'm gonna say it anyway.



PUT ME IN YOUR LIBRARY!!!!!!!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!! IS IT REALLY THAT HARD?!?! THE ONLY PERSON THAT HAS IS MY BEST FRIEND!!! I know what you're thinking. Wow, think-again, that's really sad. I can't believe nobody put your awesome story in their library. If its so sad, then at least put me in out of flipping PITY!!!!!! :(

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