Chapter Thirty Nine - Dimitri's Gamble

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I returned to camp to many cheering soldiers. I was clapped on the back by countless hands and offered hundreds of rounds of drinks. I ignored each of them. I would never celebrate scaring a few cowards. Killing off a few hundred of them was something I would laugh about. At the moment, I was prepared to tear Dimitri's head off. As low a task as a warning to the enemy was a duty for a scout, not one of royal blood.

I stormed into my Trainer's tent. "I want explanations. Now." I ordered, pulling off the hood that concealed my face. Dimitri sprang from his cot and covered my mouth.

"What are you doing?! Put that back on! We can't let the others find out who you really are!" he whispered roughly. I grudgingly tugged the mask back over my head. "Good. Now tell me what you want."

"Why was I sent to do that? You're treating me like a... girl." I muttered, my voice slightly muffled by the fabric. Dimitri smiled.

"We needed to give them a piece to the puzzle." he said, as if it were the most simple thing in the world.

"That's right, High King Gallahein thinks this to be a game. Our people are losing their lives. I take this a bit more seriously. I owe my life to His Majesty, but he can be an idiot." I spat. Dimitri's fist connected with my cheekbone. I didn't even flinch. A moment later, he was clutching his stomach and doubled over in pain. Just because I was female, didn't mean I couldn't deliver a solid punch.

"Hm. Not bad." he ground out. "Don't ever insult our noble King. Everything he does has purpose." I rolled my eyes at the familiar statement.

"Why do I have to hide myself from OUR men?" I asked. "I can kill all of them and they know it. I want some decent respect around here. Not just because they think I'm some eastern prince. I want to be able to use my powers. This thunder in my head is making my brain rattle." I shook my head for emphasis.

"They have spies everywhere." Dimitri stated. "We can't risk it. If the Resistance finds out who you are, they won't rest until you're dead."

I smiled. "Sounds like a challenge. You of all people know how much I enjoy those." I reminded him. "Can I not have a small amount of fun? Put me up against the best. You've been itching to have me lose a battle all day. Then you'll have reason to torture me...again." Dimitri seemed to be considering the idea.

"Tempting. I really do have to refuse, though. We'll save your energy for actual battle, not just some pitiful scrimmage." he said. I'd have to step up the game.

"Too bad. I guess the bet's off then." I sighed dramatically, and began to leave the tent. Three, two, one.

"What bet?" he questioned. I smiled and turned back around to face him, completely serious. I'd seen him with the other men. Dimitri couldn't resist a good gamble, even if there was no chance of his success. 

"You were going to put me up against one of our best warriors. If I defeated him in a training session, I would have revealed my true identity. If I had lost, you would have had full rights to torture me for a day. No catch." I said, and exended my hand toward him in a silent offer. Thankfully, he took the bait and shook my hand.

"It's a deal. Wait in the ring." he said. I grinned and headed out. In the center of our large encampment, there was a pit, at least four meters deep by six wide, roped in and surrounded by wooden benches. It was usually used for mass cremation after a wonderfully horrid battle, but us soldiers used it to train. Without a word to those who strove to get my attention, I grabbed a beam that supported the rope and swung over and into the battle area.

I prowled the edges like a caged animal waiting for a kill to be tossed within my reach. As soon as the others realized that a good, bloody battle was about to take place, the benches filled up quickly. A moment later, a familiar Trainer climbed down the ladder into the ring. I stared at him in shock.

Dimitri laughed. "What? This offer is too good to be true. I wanted to make sure you couldn't win. There's no better way than to defeat you myself." he said. I shrugged.

"Don't come cryin' to me when I bruise your ego." I whispered. My Trainer smiled.

"Don't worry. I won't need to." he said loudly, so that the others would understand that there was a conversation going on. Dimitri and I began circling eachother, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Just before an opponent attacks, there are subtle signs of preparation; a blink, small intake of breath, a tensing of muscles. Dimitri blinked. In the split second he drew a dagger and lunged, I shifted to the defensive stance and literally blew him away. I held him upside-down in the air for a moment, then began brutally slamming him against the sides and floor of the pit.

While Dimitri was getting beaten up, I was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over my chest. The only sign of effort on my half was the occasional flick of the wrist or twirling of fingers. Dimitri's arms flailed uselessly, trying to grab onto nonexistant handholds. I held him just above the pit and spun him faster than was normally possible. Who would've thought that wind could be so destructive?

The soldiers were cheering, for I had truthfully never used this much force on a person before. Not that I wasn't enjoying it. Talk about blowing off steam. Without warning, I dropped my Trainer to the dirt. He lay there unmoving, and I worried that he had died. Then he groaned and struggled to get to his feet. He managed to kneel, but didn't stand. The soldiers cheered louder. I had won.

I grinned inside the hood that concealed my face. With a flourish of my hand, I rose above the height of the men. I let a wind push over them all, scaring them into silence. "None of you know who I am." I said. My words rang loud and clear in the stillness. Even the birds, it seemed, had stopped to listen. "I have kept to silence in the past few days for that reason. Listen to my voice. You'll figure it out." I listened to their whispers of 'Its a girl?' and 'Discusting creature.'.

I laughed. The sky darkened and thunder rumbled overhead. Lightning flashed above me and crackled in my hands. "I'm not just A girl." I stated. I let the wind tear off the mask that had hidden me. Snowy hair swirled around me like the mist I had grown so accustomed to working in. "I'm THE girl."


Well. That was fun to write. Sindri kicks butt, and you all know it. I don't care how many of you guys apparently like Dimitri. He deserved it. That reminds me... CAYOLOA, IF YOU LOSE OR DAMAGE THAT BOOK IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, I WILL PERSONALLY DELIVER A CUSTOM-MADE PACKET OF FIRECRACKERS TO YOUR PANTS!! Just sayin'.




CELL PHONE IN AN ICE CREAM BUCKET!! (My brother's going to PAY for that one.)

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