Chapter Fifty Three -

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Right, left, forward, back, repeat. As simple as the footing pattern seemed, it was almost impossible to remember alongside the spins and designated paths. Three of the four court dances had been drilled into my head, but the last was shockingly difficult. I knew the commoner version, and yet I found the formal way nearly impossible.

"No, no, no! It's step-spin-reverse, not the other way around!" Sir Balt said for the thousandth time. I inclined my head and responded in the polite way.

"I apologize sincerely for my mistake. I ask you not to punish me for my stupidity." I quietly said.

"You are excused. Now, let us begin from the second harmony." he suggested. I got into position. We slid to the right, then left. In a whirl of blood red skirts, I spun outward, then back into Sir Balt's arms. "Good. Very good." I continued through the routine until my feet ached and my breath came in ragged shudders. A sharp palm met the back of my head.

"Exhaustion is unladylike." he yapped. I corrected my posture and lifted my chin slightly upwards as I was taught. "We have only a day remaining until the Autumn Festival. It seems you have a basic understanding of my teachings. Yet, it is by my own folly that you have no knowledge of western politics and courtesies." I sat down on the floor and looked up at Sir Balt, daring him to criticise me. He said nothing, for he much preferred standing over me.

"Their current ruler is King Gargarath. Queen Selenia died in the spring. Do not forget to offer your condolences. We cannot risk losing the loyalty of the west. Their son may or may not make an appearance. He has been fairly uncooperative as of late, so please; do not attempt to communicate with him unless absolutely necessary. Others in attendance include Lord Henry and Lady Herietta. They are next in line for the western throne. If we are lucky, the prince will surrender all titles and lands, therefore placing the west under High King Gallahein's control. If he chooses to attend, make the suggestion to him." Sir Balt rattled on. I began ignoring him, for I already knew all the information he was feeding me.

Instead, I chose to gaze up at the domed ceiling, of which was made of glass. Storm clouds created a low-hanging fog of laziness beyond it. I wished to raise my hand and pull down sheets of rain. A pang of loss ebbed away my good mood. I could never do that again. I had been forbidden to use my powers, another 'small sacrifice to better the kingdom'. I had long ago made the connection that it was not the world of Arkenon I was strengthening, but the High King. However small these sacrifices were, they were slowly but surely weakening me. With no power or weapons, I had been rendered defenseless.

I looked back to Sir Balt, who had arms crossed over his chest and a booted foot tapping the tile. "You are drifting, Princess. Pay attention." he ordered.

"I apologize for my rudeness. Please continue." I encouraged. Satisfied, he began once more.

"As I was saying, King Gargarath's loyalty is of the utmost importance. Make sure you gain his favor so that he may follow the High King without flaw. He enjoys the physical arts, and so Prince Mason and you shall perform a dance of your own." I blinked.

"You can't be serious." I said with certainty.

"Aren't I?" Sir Balt said, gesturing to the door. As if on que. it opened, revealing my husband. I stared at him for a moment. He wasn't kidding. "The dance shall not be choreographed. Neither of you are to have the slightest clue as to what you are doing until tomorrow. As for what you will wear, it has already been decided."

"Why is Mason here?" I questioned.

"I assume that you will be much more comfortable dancing with him than me, correct?" he asked. I nodded and got to my feet. Mason took my hand, a bright smile plastered onto his face. My expression mirrored his. Suddenly, a voice entered my head.

'Come, Sindri. Your services are needed.' His Majesty commanded. I shook my head free of the unsettling sound. I pulled away from Mason.

"I am wanted elsewhere." I mumbled, then started for the door. All in the room seemed to understand.  I strode down the hallway, nodding politely at every greeting. Eventually, I came to the throne room. I knocked twice and entered. Inside sat High King Gallahein at a round table with two others. I was surprised, but tried not to show it. The table was only used to express equality among men. Either His Majesty considered them a threat, or he wanted to impress them enough to last centuries. It was probably the second choice.

I made my way to the High King's left and curtsied deeply. "How may I serve thee?" I asked in the formal tone. I kept my gaze downcast. Eye contact was considered impolite.

"King Gargarath and Prince Ryon, I would like to introduce you to High Princess Sindri." my King stated in a grand voice, as if he were presenting the golden gates to the afterlife, not a servant girl with a tiara. Prince Ryon? 

"It truly is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. Many tales have been told of your travels as the Maiden of the Pack." King Gargarath said. I looked up in surprise. Maiden of the Pack? She was a myth. A tale commoners told to their children. I looked over to the young Prince. Ryon sat there, smiling at me with his warm brown eyes. Pieces clicked into place. We needed the support of the west because it was on the edge of becoming an ally of the Resistance. Their next ruler was already past the point of no return.

I got my first glimpse of the western king. Gargarath had sandy hair, only slightly darker than Mason's. Prince Ryon, as I now knew him, must have gotten his dark brown locks from his mother, the deceased Queen Selenia. The king had eyes that matched that of his son. His robes were a purplish color, similar to the brief period after twilight yet before total darkness. Like the setting sun...

"The honor is mine, King Gargarath. I thank you for attending our Autumn Festival celebration." I said quietly. Loud volume was thought to be unladylike, punishable in some families.

"My son and I look forward to your promised performance, High Princess Sindri." Gargarath told me. I nodded, for I had already passed my limit of speaking privileges. Communication was frowned upon when a female was involved. At least, in the north. High King Gallahein seemed to notice this.

"Princess, show these two to their quarters. The hour is late, and they'll need all the energy they can get for tomorrow." my master ordered. I nodded once more. The pair got to their feet and followed me to the exit. As we got to the corridor, I closed the portal behind me. Before I could stop him, Ryon threw his arms around my thin body. I swiftly pushed him away.

"Not now. He's watching." I said, referring to the constant tingle on the back of my neck. I walked down the halls toward the steps that led to the second floor, and from there to the third.

"Ryon has informed me of your situation." Gargarath said. "Those who populate the west shall do all they can to help you." I ignored him, not wanting to break any more rules.

"Prince Ryon, your room is the fifth to the left. King Gargarath, you shall sleep second from the end on the right. I do hope you both have an agreeable stay here at the High Palace." I said curtly, and left them to work out the rest of the night for themselves. I didn't need help. I was home. Safe and happy. I shook my head and made my way to my quarters. Once there, I quickly changed into my nightgown and got into bed. I slept restlessly, trapped inside dreams blood, death, and shadow.


Not the most comfortable way to fall asleep, but nightmares are nightmares. Once again, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Snowmen creep me out...




 ARGH!!! (I'm tired, okay? Updating is hard.)

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