Chapter Thirty Five - Just One Touch

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I sat up in bed after a sleepless night. Today was the day. If I didn't escape in a matter of hours, I'd have to welcome an enemy to the family. If Tristan and the others didn't come, there was no hope. Marylin sat in an armchair in the corner, reading a book, which wasn't a common activity. Books were very valuable and extremely rare. That is, if you didn't have access to the royal library.

I swung my feet over the edge of the bed, then brought my chained ankle up to my knee for examination. The cuff itself was beautifully carved with amazing detail, but the picture itself was somewhat disturbing. It was a battle scene, the soldiers locked in eternal combat. Swords were crossed and armor cracked. Lances pierced silver flesh and bodies were trampled under worn boots. I brushed my fingers across the shining metal and, to my surprise, the image came to life. The beautiful figures began acting out the battle itself. The silver warriors' weapons rang softly as they each struggled to 'survive'. One by one they all fell to the keen blade of a single broad warrior.

He rejoiced in his victory, and a woman soon joined him. They danced for a time, then the woman dropped to her knees before the body of a boy. She wept over him, then lept to the man. They argued, and soon began a duel of their own. In the end, the man ran the woman through. As she lay dying, she withdrew the weapon from her midsection, and in a single, swift stroke, sliced off the head of the man. Then the image on the cuff stilled, and melted back into the scene it began at. 

I recognized the story immediately. It was the tale of Maldein herself. The man was the tyrannical King Hardan, and the boy was Maldein's son. I found my own tears gathering in my eyes as I recalled the Battle of Farannica, an actual event in history. It was the bloodiest, most sorrowful day since the birth of Arkenon. A gentle touch brushed my tear away.

"Today is too happy a day to cry, Princess Sindri." Marylin said sadly. "I know that you're not exactly pleased with the arrangement, but you'll learn to love Lord Mason." I looked up and met my servant's sympathetic smile. She had no idea what I felt. I despised Mason. In fact, I hated him with a burning passion. The girl didn't even know the cause for my tears. I nodded, quickly deciding to act my part.

"I guess I will eventually." I sighed. "What time is it?"

"It's around seven thirty in the morning, ma'am." she informed me. "I was going to wake you at eight." I stood up and walked to the doors to my balcony. Once they were open, I sat on the stone as far out in the open as I possibly could. It was an oddly sunny day. Even the weather was attempting to change my mood.

"Should I call in the others? To help you ready yourself?" Marylin asked. I nodded once and dismissed her with a wave of my hand. I straightened and went out as far as I possibly could, my leg stretched out behind me. I was just able to rest my elbow on the rail. Far below and over the Palace wall, great red flags with the suns sewn into them flapped majestically in the wind. Commoners rushed around the streets, buzzing with the excitement of the day's royal wedding.

I could have sworn I saw a familiar head of dark, curly hair bobbing through the crowd, but I must have been mistaken. Tristan had banished me. He was too filled with pride to come to my rescue. I almost laughed. Since the day I had tossed myself over this very rail, I had always been the one in charge. Now I was the thing I had tried so long to avoid being. For once, I was the damsel in distress.

A black smudge in the bright landscape caught my eye. I squinted through the bright rays of the rising sun until my vision finally came into focus. It was a small building, scorched and mostly in ruin. Charred beams lay scattered around the area. I noticed the blacksmith's hut nearby and my curiosity swiftly transformed into horror. The building was a cottage. To be specific, it was the previous dwelling of Grace and Dimitri. My only true home had been reduced to ashes.

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