Chapter Thirty Four - Sindri

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It was only yesterday that Princess Sindri had arrived, and there was already a problem. Typical. I stood in front of the girl, Marylin. She kept her eyes downcast out of respect. "My mistress has managed to grow stronger, despite the energy we drew from her." the servant reported. I kept my face neutral, but was reeling on the inside. She was more powerful than we thought. A lot more powerful. I flicked my wrist, dismissing the girl from my presence.

King Gallahein was not going to be happy. The term 'don't shoot the messenger' didn't apply to him. I jogged down the long hallway, stopping at the large study. I had to tell him. Orders were orders, after all... at the expense of my life. I had no choice.

After taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. "Enter." called a voice from inside. I opened the door. King Gallahein sat behind his desk looking into a stone basin filled to the brim with water. It floated about two centimeters above the wooden surface. I often caught him watching my future bride. I knew that he'd be watching her even more after I told him.

"It didn't work, sir." I began hesitantly. "Our plan failed." The king didn't look up. He nodded and smiled. I was confused.

"Good." he muttered. "This is good." I tilted my head to one side, as if the new angle would allow me to understand my king's stream of consciousness. Sensing my feelings, he tore himself away from Princess Sindri. "If she is powerful enough, she can be useful. She can start fires, flood other lands. The perfect weapon. We just need her to trust us." He stood and began pacing. After about a minute, he stopped and turned to me

"How do you feel about her?" he asked. I said nothing, still attempting to process the question. Sindri? It was a sense of duty, but maybe... How could I tell, anyway? A moment later,I knew exactly how I thought of her. I just couldn't admit it. King Gallahein stared at me, awaiting an answer. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her in two years." I lied. "I need time." Gallahein smiled.

"Well, boy. You need to figure it out fast. You're marrying the girl tomorrow." he said warmly. Despite the upbeat tone, I felt the underlying threat. "Most of the guests are already in Vernia. They will be arriving here at noon tomorrow. Prepare yourself, Lord Mason. You are dismissed." I bowed and walked from the room. I couldn't say it. Not out loud. I knew perfectly well how I felt. I love Princess Sindri Willow.



The lightning had come and gone, and so had the fire it created. Ryon raised an eyebrow at the sight below us. I found myself unable to look away. The white wolf, Kian, as Ryon had called it, led us to a clearing about an hour away from camp. It was the place where Sindri's lightning had struck. It had to have been Sindri. The short weather occurrence was too spontaneous to be of natural origin. Deep, dark, scorch marks marred the terrain. That wasn't what worried me. The shape they created was a sun. It had five, triangular flares sprouting from the center. Each of them were wavy, like Uncle Gallahein's gold dagger. The royal emblem. Sindri had been captured.

"We have to, Prince Tristan." Ryon said. "We have to get her." I shook my head.

"No. She was banished." I reminded him. 

"Unofficially. It was never written and sealed. Only spoken." he pointed out. I sighed. He had a point. I looked back to the blackened symbol below us. After a moment of thought, I made my decision. I looked back to Ryon, then to the beast. They both watched me, waiting for orders. I sighed.

"You're right. We have to get Sindri. Whatever they're planning isn't good, and she plays some part in it." I said. Ryon grinned, pleased that I finally saw things his way. He spurred his horse into action and I followed suit. The animal ran ahead of both of us, surprising me with its speed and grace. After a time, we arrived back at camp. All three of us immediately sensed the tension in the air. What could have possibly happened in three hours? Bryn ran up to me with tears in his eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, beginning to get worried. The boy swallowed another sob and looked up at me.

"Tara and Lani." he cried. "They're gone."


 MWA HA-HA-HA!! THEY HAVE DISAPPEARED!! Do you know where they are? I do! I do! I just finished carving my third halloween pumpkin. Funfunfunfunfun. I have gained 111 readers in a matter of hours. Some kind of record? Can someone check? You guys are like the color purple. Why? I have absolutley no idea. But you are.





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