Chapter Thirty Seven -

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- One Month Later -

I stood to the left of High King Gallahein's throne, as was formal position. Just over a week before, I had been victorious in my twelfth battle to the death, which had given me the opportunity to have a say in military affairs. Not that my word was counted. If His Majesty wasn't present, I was treated like garbage. Like the rest of my disgusting species, as the men had grown fond of saying. This referred to the fact that I was female. Apparently it was in 'high fashion' for women to be disrespected. After all, the entire court was made up of men. Brutish, cruel, horrid men. It was for this reason that our noble King had refused to support the 'ghastly' idea of having a queen. 

Thankfully, a direct order from the ruler of all of Arkenon had forbid any real harm to come to Lani and I. This was only a thin barrier between the court officials and the pair of us. The respected men shouldn't have to deal with any females, let alone one of age eighteen without a penny to her name. The only two people who even seemed to remotely have some sort of respect for me were Mason and Dimitri. They somewhat protected me. I knew that the officials wouldn't ever take action to show their hatred. There was an enormous obstruction in the way. Fear. It was as black as night and as impassable as the mountains in the west. I was more powerful than all of them combined and they knew it. I was an enormous threat. There was no denying it.

To prove this, from just below my right shoulder to a bit above my elbow were two tattooed columns of Draconic, the Lost Language. This was great honor in the old culture. Read from top to bottom, left to right, it translated to 'The Raging Storm Rises With the Moon'. All I knew was that the phrase was vaguely familiar. I could never quite put my finger on where I had last heard it.

Two scouts by the names of Marius and Michael stood before us, ready to report the results f the last battle. "The beasts are growing stronger, Your Majesty. Almost half of our ranks have fallen to their teeth and claws. Victory was not an option." Marius admitted. Michael was particularly bold that morning.

"In order to avoid another loss of this magnitude, I suggest that we send out another four hundred as reinforcement." he said. The King seemed to be considering the idea. With any luck, he would come to his senses and deny the order.

"I agree, Michael." he announced. "We'll have the soldiers out by midday tomorrow." I stared at him as if he had sprouted a second head. I had seen first hand the damage he had been doing. With men gone, women and children couldn't hold up family businesses. More than half of the North were homeless and hungry. Beggars lined the streets. Buildings hung in the space between disrepair and demolition. Women cried themselves to sleep at night. Children had grown sick with cold and died. All because my King was a selfish fool who didn't like to lose. Despite this,I had to admire His Majesty for being so fluent in the beautiful language of fear. I should know, for I am also familiar with the art. It is, after all, what keeps Arkenon in control.

"You are dismissed, gentlemen." King Gallahein said. The pair bowed deeply and exited the Hall. "Princess Sindri."

"Yes, sir?"

"Pack your things. I wish for you to represent me in battle. You will set out along with the new recruits tomorrow morning." he announced.

"I would be honored, High King Gallahein."  I stated in the usual formal style. Inwardly, I was growing suspicious. This was too good to be true. There was some kind of catch.

"Of course, your Trainer will accompany you." I held in a groan. There was the catch. Although Dimitri was a longtime servant of the throne, there were times when I wanted to bite his head off. His methods were cruel, yet admittedly effective. If I made a single mistake, whether in combat training or perfecting my unique abilities, I would be severely punished. I had been whipped, beaten, and even had my leg severed off (long story), but in the end, I would always learn my lesson. If it weren't for Tara, those injuries would have been permanent. If I was missing a leg, I wouldn't have been allowed out of bed, let alone in the midst of a battle.

"You are dismissed, Princess." my King stated. I dropped my head and began to walk the short distance to the door. Just before I opened it, I turned, inclined my head, and recited the formal exiting statement, made for when one of lower rank leaves before the honored King.

"I am fortunate to have been able to stand in the presence of one so great and mighty as you. Know that I am, and will forever be, your loyal and unquestioning servant." In a whirl of skirts, I slid out the portal and into the empty corridor. At a polite, yet flighty pace, I set a course for my chambers. No sooner than the moment the door swung closed behind me did I order Marylin to load my bags. Only minutes later, they had been sent off to be placed in the wagon.

I was beyond excited to be part of the action in the South. I had been working so hard for so long, and now I had a chance to prove myself. All of those men who had dared question my rank and authority would regret every disgusted look,every order not carried out, every honest opinion written off as nonsense. I would finally be respected. I would finally matter. I would finally wake up from this horrible nightmare.


Erk gaba tew nomnomnom, herftweergd saladorf garkle rurt. Urgle marf dinkie zerg jad kunp rawr gerkl tarnm gargar. Nomnomnom-nomnom, nurt erktl. Harg tinkle-doo, argarf. Tur-yee Jat-Jat!





No, this was NOT a random combination of letters. Read it aloud. Its somewhat amusing. :)

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