Chapter Fifteen - Unwanted Reunion

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Tristan and Markus continued to argue with eachother while I decided to search the bodies. For all I knew, there could be a lump of gold hidden in a man's pocket. I looked through each, gaining provisions, weapons, poisons, and clothing. They were all smart enough to avoid carrying money. What they wanted, they would have stolen.

Like me. I dumped my findings into the wagon. Then I gasped. There was a single being who wasn't accounted for. I quickly scanned over the bloody clearing. Farnoff was nowhere to be found. Somehow, he had escaped. Horrified, felt my knees grow weak. I leaned on the wagon for support. All sound stopped. Everyone turned to me.

"What is it?" Markus asked.

"It's Farnoff. He escaped." I finally managed. Tristan looked at me in utter disbelief.

"Impossible. I tore him apart." he said with certainty. Markus stood and surveyed the area.

"She's right. He isn't here." he stated simply. I felt a tingle on the back of my neck. I was being watched. My forearm burned. Suddenly, I lost control. An invisible force shoved me to the back of my mind. I pressed against it, engaging in a fierce internal battle of wills.

A laugh I knew all too well rattled my brain. King Gallahein. Taking advantage of the shock, the force grabbed onto my body and refused to let go. My body straightened of its own accord. Out of nowhere, an arm wrapped around my shoulders. I involuntarily took a step to the left. My back pressed against something hard.

Everyone's mouths hung open. "What are you doing?" Markus asked quietly. Words flowed from my mouth, but they weren't my own.

"I am only accepting what you have refused to believe. King Gallahein rules all of us. Loyalty to him is our duty." I said it all without missing a beat.

"Sindri, you know that isn't true. You said yourself that he can't be trusted." Grace replied.

Dimitri looked confused. "Who's the boy?" he asked.

"You never loved him." Tristan stated. I smiled.

"People change." My chin tilted upward. For a brief moment they connected with a pair of shockingly blue ones. My eyes closed against my will. His lips pressed against mine. Of their own accord, my fingers tangled in his blonde hair, pulling him closer to me. He broke the kiss and grinned.

"Miss me much?" Lord Mason taunted. I realized that he had no idea that I was being controlled. Nodding eagerly, I turned to my twin, pressing my back to Lord Mason's chest once more.

"I'm leaving. I've been away for too long." I announced.

"You're not going anywhere." Tristan said through clenched teeth. Before we could react, he shifted and pounced. I felt my body preparing for impact. It never came. I whirled around to find Mason and Tristan rolling on the ground. Although the battle was anything but easy, it was clear that Mason was losing. Finally, Tristan had him pinned. A large black paw held him down by the chest. I felt something cool in my hand. I walked slowly around the two. Just as Tristan was about to deliver the final blow, I lifted my arm and brought it down on my brother. He yowled in pain.

Then the evil that held me fled my body, making it seem as if none of it ever happened. I gasped, horrified at what I had done. The hilt of my silver dagger protruded from his back. Tristan transformed back into himself. He teetered for a moment before he crumpled to the ground. Grace and Dimitri ran forward to help him. I, however, couldn't move. I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face. The pair looked to me in complete shock. My hand flew to my mouth.

"I killed him." I sobbed. "I killed my only brother."


Heh-heh. Oops. On the bright side, I FINALLY UPDATED!! WOO-HOO! Yes I DO know its short. That's just how I roll. So... uh... SEE YOUZ PEOPLEZ LATERZ!




MUNCHIE NUGGETS!! (Don't ask.)

FISHYFISHYFISHY!!! ><> ><> ><>

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