Dead Bodies Chapter 6

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      Lydia woke up in the hospital, have no idea how she got there. Stiles stayed in the hospital the whole time she was there. But she didn't know know. She started to feel better so she decided to go take a nice hot shower.
Lydia exit her room and walked towards the shower room. When she got in, she looked around to see if there were anyone in the room. She took off her robe and then began to massage her shoulders. She turned on the water and then made sure the water was nicely hot and then stepped into the tub and drew the curtains to others won't see her naked body if they walk in.

What happened!? Oh my gosh. I have a headache just trying to remember. Okay so I left the lake house and took a walk and then what?? Ughh why is this happening!? Please make it stop, please. It's all so confusing! And what the hell is a Stiles? Like serious?.... A man! A man in a leather jacket was walking towards me and then I remember falling and then I remember Stiles! What the hell?!?

      Lydia started to noticed that the water was getting dirty and it looked like her hair was floating around in the tub. She started to breathe hard and then bent down to grab the hair. The water in the tub was getting higher that you couldn't even see the bottom. When she bent down to unclog the hole, a hand pushes out of the water and grabs her left, she started to scream and then blacked out, but was still awake.
Stiles heard her scream because he's been in the hospital since the first day just to keep on eye on Lydia. He ran into the bathroom and behind him two nurse was running behind him to see what was the screaming. When they got into the bathroom, the tub had no water in it, the window was open and Lydia was gone. "Lydia?!" Stiles says in anger.

What a beautiful morning?! Oh look at my baby. Best doggy mama could ever ask for. Wow I feel amazing, yay me! And I'm hungry. I want pancakes with syrup, scramble eggs and some nice orange juice, oh and a little sugar in the morning, two cookies!!... Okay I don't remember my stairs looking so dirty, oh well. It's so dark, I can't see, I.... Can't SEE!.

Lydia was walking around in the woods, butt naked and didn't even realize it. She was in her world which was turing into a nightmare. It might feel real to her but it's not. She just keeps walking and it's below 60 degrees.

I feel like... Like I'm standing in a grave yard

She keeps walking but don't know where she was. She was waking to where ever her body feels like going. She was also really cold. Lydia puts her arms over her breast just to get a little warmth. Her body was dirty, her hair was tangled, puffy and it had dirt and leaves in it. She tired to talk but no words wanted to escape her lips.

Lydia finally got to her destination and didn't know. She saw the road and it was dark. She crossed the street to get to the other side of the woods. She stopped immediately, four people dead. It looks a family, she hesitated before she started to scream. She looked around, scared out of her mind. She saw no cars and no one except for a dead family. They looked like they were killed by an animal. They were ripped into pieces.

Lydia decided to keep walking into the woods. When she was almost deep in the woods, she heard police sirens and decided to walk back. When she was close to the road she heard people talking. She heard stiles saying "dad please you have to find her", and then his dad, who is the sheriff, saying "I know son I'm doing all I can".
"Lydia?" Stiles said in a low surprised voice.
She walks out, shivering, butt naked and dirty. Her hands over her breast and then she removes her hands and said, "so is anybody gonna give me their jacket?".

They all stared at her and so did Stiles, he grabbed his dad sheriff jacket that his dad had on and tried to pull it off as he fainted.

Lydia was drove to the hospital, where she was being questioned.

"Are are you hurt?" Asked sheriff Stilinski.
"No" Lydia answer.
"Do you remember what happened?"
"Not really"
"What was the last thing you remember?" He asked her. Lydia stared off to space, startled. "Lydia?" He said in a low voice.
"Huh?" Lydia looks at him.
"What was the last thing you remember? Take your time" he repeated. Stiles enter the room.
"Umm... I was taking a shower, and then the hole was blocked so I reached down to unblock it... And the next thing I knew I was walking in the woods, naked." Lydia keeps hesitating.
"Is that all?"
She shakes her head, "I felt like I was standing in a grave yard... When I found that dead family... I" she stopped.
"You found that family?" Lydia nods her head. "A camper heard screaming, was that you?" She nods again. "How is that possible? Where the camper was camping, there is no way he or anyone could have heard screaming." He said in surprised.
"Dad" Stiles said. His dad looked at him and then nod. Sheriff Stilinski left the the room.
"Scott, a werewolf?" Lydia asked.
"What!? Haha a werewolf?" Stiles joked about it.
"I know... I know everything, about Derek, Scott, and now about Allison. A hunter. That man that attacked me, who is he?"
"How did you find out?"
"I don't know, I just know... I don't remember what I was doing in the woods for two day, but that I know. Who attacked me?"
"His name is Peter. Peter Hale. We believe that you're the one that brought him back."
"We don't know"
They looked at each other.

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