Chapter 28

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I woke up somewhere unfamiliar. I was laying in a bed in the center of a small hospital room. My right arm was in a sling, and there were several IVs in my left arm.

Ok, so something big must've happened. I was escaping the Death Star, I was in a TIE, I crashed...I must've hit the groumd pretty hard.

I did another self-scan. I was in a hospital robe, and my head was wrapped in a cloth bandage. My lightsabers were on the table next to my bed, as was my locket from Jadyn and Lux.

As I tried to sit up, Alema walked into the room.

"Oh, no, no, no. Lay back down," she said, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. "Do you have any idea how worried I've been about you?"

"No. I remember crashing a TIE somewhere. What happened? How long was I out?"

"You crashed a TIE, alright. The Ghost crew came to pick you up on the Death Star. They delivered the plans safely to Princess Leia and came back as fast as they could. Unfortunately, you had already crashed. They landed on the planet to find you. Long story short, the Imperials sent a ton of troopers and walkers to find you on the surface. They had to call for the whole fleet to get out of there."

"Ok.....What planet were we on? I never got to see it. How long was I out?"

"Jakku. At least I think it was Jakku....Whatever planet it is, they are going to have plenty of wrecks to go through. I heard they brought down an entire Star Destroyer during the battle!"

"That's impressive. How long was I out?" I asked for the third time.

She took a deep breath. "You have been in a coma for almost a month."


"When they pulled you out, they thought you were dead. You didn't respond to any of the immediate tests, so they put you on life support during the battle. After the fleet escaped, the Ghost crew brought you to the hospital on Alderaan."

Realization dawned on me. "Not Alderaan! I had a vision on the Death Star. Alderaan was going to be blown up by the Death Star!"

"Lucky for us and several others, you talked in your sleep when you were on the Ghost. I meditated a bit with Kanan, and we ended up getting all of the hospital patients out."

"What about Senator Organa and the others?"

"He and his wife went back to get civilians on some transports. They didn't make it off the planet in time, along with millions of people."


"If it weren't for you, though, no one would have made it off in time."

"Where are we now?"

"An old clone medical base that Senator Organa had been renovating for years."

"Where in the galaxy?"

"In the middle of wild space."

"What else happened while I was out?"

"Well, the Empire is getting dangerously close to finding the new rebel base."

"There's a new rebel base?"

"Yeah, on Yavin IV."

"What happened to the one on Dantooine?"

"Abandoned. Princess Leia ordered an evacuation before her blockade runner was attacked. No one had heard from her since."

"Well, that's great news," I said sarcastically. I tried to sit up again.

"Ahsoka, lay down."

"Why? I feel fine! I know what they're up against! I can help!"

"When was the last time you slept for 8 hours?"


"Or ate an actual meal?" I was silent. "I ran a test when you first got to Alderaan. You were out for so long because you don't sleep or eat and overwork your body mentally and physically."


"So until I can get enough nutrients into your system, you aren't going anywhere."

"Can I at least get up and walk around a little? I feel fine," I emphasized.

Alema sighed. "Fine. But only if I go with you."

"Thanks," I said. "Do you happen to have anything for me to change into? As fashionable as this hosptial robe is, I don't think it's quite my style."

"I packed some of your stuff before we left. I had to search your room for medical records, so I threw everything I could find into an empty suitcase." She opened the closet door and pulled out a large black bag. "Let me take these out," she said, gesturing towards the IVs, "and grab a wheelchair."

"Alema, walk around."

"Ok, ok."

Alema diconnected me from the machine, and I changed. It felt so nice to be back in leggings and lose fitting shirt. I could've done without the broken arm, though.

Walking was a struggle for the first couple steps. My legs felt weak, but eventually muscle memory took over, and I was fine.

The mess hall looked emptier than usual. I mean, there were less rebels than clones in general, but I wouldv'e thought more people ended up here.

Once we had gotten our food, Alema and I sat down across from each other at the closest table. We were silent for a few moments before I spoke.

"So, how did you fix all of my injuries? I can't imagine that a broken arm was the only thing broken after a crash like that."

"No, it certainly wasn't. You pretty much messed up your entire left arm. I was able to fix your wrist and the bone sticking out, but there wasn't anything else I could do until it set back in properly. You had a concussion, too, but didn't take me horribly long to fix. Everything should be back to normal as far as that's concerned, but I'd still like to watch it."

"That's it?"

"Ahsoka Tano, you are a very lucky woman. Had you not been wearing a safety belt, you could've broken your neck or spine, and it would've been game over."

"True enough." There was a pause. "I have been meaning to ask you something about midichlorians."

"Ask away."

"From what I understand, midichlorians create life and a connection to the force. Are midichlorians specialized? Are there different types that control different parts of the force?"

"Yes. To be force sensitive, you have to have a certain midichlorian count, including cosmic, life, light, and dark. For Jedi, when you're alive, the life and light midichlorians outnumber the others. When you die, the cosmic midichlorians take over."

"So theoretically, if one were to have more life than cosmic midichlorians, they'd be alive?"

"Theoretically, yes."

"Interesting," I said. She nodded. "So what's been going on with you?"

"Oh, the usual. I ran the clinic on Alderaan until we had to leave. Now, we're here, and I give care to injured rebels, and whoever else is escorted here."

"That's nice. Do-"

"DOCTOR EYAN TO THE BRIDGE, DOCTOR EYAN TO THE BRIDGE," someone said over the loudspeaker.

"This better be good," Alema muttered as we both stood up to leave. After we threw away our trash, Alema took me back to my room so I could rest.

A few hours later, I woke up. Alema had come in to tell me something. The color had drained from her face.

"Ahsoka, it's the Imperials. They've found the base, and the Death Star is going to blow up the place by the end of the day today."

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