Funny Chapter Title

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All rights belong to Marvel comics and DC comics and whoever else owns the characters. I would just like to say that the chapters do get progressively longer as the story goes on. So please don't just look at the page numbers and leave.

Chapter One
Earth 616, New York, Manhattan
It was a bright and sunny day in Manhattan; which is basically the exact opposite of of how our friendly neighbourhood web slinger is feeling, A.K.A like complete crap.

'My life sucks' were the only thoughts going through Spider-man's head at the moment. Well that and 'ow' as he peeled himself out of the wall he had been embedded in, and thought about how he got here.

His life hasn't been going in the best direction as of late.

He had recently been kicked off of the Avengers because... how did they put it? 'His public image was so bad it was damaging theirs'. So much for friends, eh? His public image was at an all time low thanks to Jolly Jameson somehow becoming the mayor of New York.

Norman Osborn, (A.K.A The Green Goblin) his arch nemesis, had become the President of the United States. Honestly, what the actual fudge?

To top it all off though, today started out with the death of the last few people he had. He came home after one of his famous twenty four hour patrols to possibly his deadliest enemy, Cleatus Cassidy A.K.A Carnage, (don't let a name like 'snicker' Cleatus fool you he was as deranged and dangerous as they come) standing over the body's of his aunt May and the love of his life, Mary Jane (MJ) Watson.

Peter was horrified. How could he not be? He looked at Carnage with pure rage in his eyes and shouted "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU MONSTER!"

Carnage simply smiled and said, "You'll have to catch me first Parker."

————End of Flashback————

So that's how he ended being lead here, into a God damed ambush. You might be asking yourself 'But Spidey how could you fall for a trap with your trusty spider-senses?' The correct answer is symbiotes. Not just one, I'm talking about fifteen of them. Agony, Carnage, George (no really), Krobaa, Lasher, Mania, Mayhem, Payback, Phage, Riot, Scorn, Scream, Toxin, Venom, and ZZZXX (that is its name).

As Spider-man fell to the ground he was thinking 'This is it, isn't it? This how I'm going to die. I'm so sorry Uncle Ben, I failed you.' The last thing he saw was Carnage's claws coming down and a very bright white light.


Earth 394, The Watchtower
In orbit above Earth was the Watchtower a sort of needle shaped space station.

In the space station, there were seven people sitting at a conference table. The first is a very well built caucasian man clad in red and blue with an S on his chest. This is Clark Kent or Kal-El, but more commonly known as the Superman.

Next was another well built (although not as well built as Superman) caucasian man in all black with a bat on his chest. This is Bruce Wayne, or The Batman.

After him there is a woman with vibrant red hair, bright green eyes, a hawk like mask and giant wings on her back. This is Shayera Hol, Hawkgirl.

Beside her is an African American man with a nice build and is dressed all in green. The man is John Stewart, Green Lantern. He belongs to an intergalactic peace keeping organization called The Green Lanterns.

After him is a slender but still fit caucasian man all in red with yellow lighting bolts on the waste, gloves, chest and ears of his costume. This is Barry Allen, the Flash, the fastest man alive.

Next is a very beautiful dark haired caucasian woman who appeared to be wearing and American flag one pice swimsuit with a golden W for a breast plate, she is known as Diana Prince, Wonder Woman.

There was also another well built blond haired caucasian man wearing what looks like an orange shirt made out of fish scales, green gloves that went up to his forearms with matching green spandex pants. The shirt and pants were connected by a gold belt with an A shape on the front. He also had a golden trident. This was Arthur Curry, Aquaman.

Lastly there was a man... of sorts. This man's skin is completely green. He has a very prominent brow line and red eyes. He has a red X on his chest, a blue cape, blue boots, and what appeared to be a blue speedo. This 'man' is actually a martian know as J'onn J'onzz or the Martian Manhunter.

"Well we need new members" commented the Flash "What about your cousin Supes, and didn't your niece just get here, J'onn?"

"I don't believe Kara's ready yet, she's still too head strong and refuses to listen," Clark told Flash.

"And M'gann is too new to this world" stated J'onn.

"Well we have to get new members somehow, they don't just fall out of the sky. " At that exact moment a blinding flash filled the room and a man clad in very torn red and blue spandex crashed on the table.

"Um... and one trillion dollars doesn't just fall from the sky."

"Shut up Allen." Snapped John.

A/N Hey guys and girls, Cole here. This is my first time actually posting a story on this site. Some of you may recognize my username Shadow_2012. Anyway I was just hoping for some positive and negative feedback on how my story is, it would really be appreciated if you could do that. Any way peace out my lovelies and hopefully see you next time.

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