The Drop Zone

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I own none of the characters in this story, I only some of the plot. It's good to be back, enjoy this chapter. It's a bigun.

Peter woke up in a cold sweat, his nightmare scaring him awake. He got out of bed and went the bathroom to wash his face with some cold water.
He looked at his reflection in the mirror studying the scars he had on his arms and back (he slept in only a pair of flannel pajama pants).

Of course, his little trip back through time had gotten rid of some them, but he could still tell were they were. Some of the ones that stayed included the three slashes down the center of his chest from the Lizard. A bullet wound he got from protecting the victim of a mugging when the mugger shot off a round. A myriad of crisscrossing slashes from dealing with enemies like Kraven, Vermin and Carnage. Scars from being thrown into (sometimes punched through) walls.

Peter sighed and decided to go the kitchen to get a glass of water, or maybe a glass of milk. He got to the kitchen, and to his surprise M'gann was there as well. "Hey Bubbles" Peter called to her, making M'gann turn to face him, a look of surprise on her face. "What are you doing up so late?" Peter asked.

"Oh! Peter, you startled me." M'gann said.

"Right, sorry about that" Peter apologized "but why are you up so late?" He asked again.

"Right, well Martian sleep cycles are different than a humans, so I'm still up." M'gann told Peter.

"Well that makes. Another question then, what were you thinking about? You seemed really lost in thought there." Peter wondered.

M'gann got a somber look on her face "I... I was thinking about my family." She told Peter as he developed an understanding expression. "It has been awhile since I've seen them. I miss them Peter, I miss them so much." She confessed to her friend.

Peter wrapped his arm around her "I know the feeling M'gann." He said "Believe me, I know. I know it sucks, it's one of the hardest things in the world to deal with."

"Oh right! I forgot that you lost your family as well Peter." M'gann exclaims. "I'm so sorry. Your pain must be so much worse."

Peter sighs "Well I wouldn't say that. Pain is relative, just because I feel pain doesn't mean that you don't feel it as well." He explained. "The only advice I can give you is that, as time goes on, it does get easier. The pain never completely goes away. But having friends around helps." Peter comforted his friend.

"Thank you Peter." M'gann says "And it has helped having Kara, Barbara and you here. Especially you Peter, you... you've been like a brother to me. That's how I think of you, like my older brother." She confessed, blushing a little.

"Well thank you, that means a lot M'gann." Peter said "And in all honesty, your actually a lot like the little sister I never had, you actually remind me of another surrogate sister I have." He told her, getting a bit of a downtrodden expression at that last part." But enough about the past right now, I'm going to make us some hot chocolate and then we can watch a movie."

"That sounds very nice Peter, but uh... what's hot chocolate?" M'gann asks.

"That is an absolute crime!" Peter says scandalized. "Now I have to make it you. Don't worry, you're going to love it. I make the best coco this side of the omni-verse."

M'gann laughs a little as Peter gets to work on the hot chocolate. "Okay Peter, I believe you."

Once Peter was done making the hot drink, M'gann had her first sip, and her eyes widened. "Okay, this is delicious." She stated

"I told you so" Peter smugly said. "Now lets go watch a movie."

In the living room, M'gann and Peter settled down on the couch with a blanket over their legs. The two had picked Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to watch. About half way through -after the hot chocolate was finished- Peter felt a weight fall on his right shoulder. He turned his head and noticed that M'gann had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled, turned off the movie and picked up M'gann to carry her to her room.

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