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Here it is true believers, the next chapter you have all been waiting for. I own only the plot of the story, the characters on the other hand, not so much. The rights would make a good birthday present though *wink wink*.

Feeling the sun beat down on him roused Spider-Man from his sleep. Blinking the sun out of his eyes and looking around, he noticed something peculiar, he was in the desert.

"Where the hell am I?" He asked himself, "And how did I get here? And why I am wearing black?"

Looking down at his suit, Spidey was surprised to see that it was black and grey. "Wait, I have more serious problems then my wardrobe right now, like how to get back to New York, if I don't get back soon MJ is going to kill me."

Deciding to follow the sun, Spider-Man began walking west, trying to figure out how he got to the desert. 'It can't be Kravin who put me here, but it could be his family and for their sakes I hope it's not. And for my sake I hope it's not Sandman'. He thought to himself.

After sometime walking Spider-Man heard a feminine voice call out his name. "Oh my God! Peter!" Turning to find out who it was.

"Jessica?!" Spider-Man exclaimed in surprise not expecting to see his red clad female clone. He was quickly tackled in a hug from said clone.

"What are you doing here?" The two spiders asked at the same time. "Wait better question, why are you wearing black? That's not Venom is it?" Spider-Woman asked, letting go of her brother. "Because if it is, I will kick your ass all the way back home!" She threatened, a finger pointing accusingly in Spider-Man's face.

Moving the finger away from his face, the male web-slinger responded, "No, it's not Venom, and as for why I'm in black... well I have no idea."

"Are you sure?" Spider-Woman asked, poking the spider symbol on her brothers chest, which caused it to change from the black and grey back too his original red and blue.

"Uhh... not anymore?" Spider-Man answered poking the symbol a few more time causing it to change back and forth till he stopped it on red and blue. "I think it's just advanced, the question is, where did I get it?"

"We'll have to figure that out later." Spider-Woman said, "Do you have any idea where we are or how we got here?" She asked.

"Bear with me here," Spidey said looking around, "but I think we are in some kind of desert." That comment earned him a smack on the arm. "Ow, okay as for how, seeing that you're here, my best guess is that it's the Kravinoff's."

"I was afraid of that." Spider-Woman sad darkly, "Do you think that they're out for revenge again?" She asked.

Before her brother could respond, their conversation was interrupted by an explosion. Both running towards it, they saw a shirtless man yelling like an animal and tearing the top off of a tank.

"Uhh, who do we help?" Spider-Man posed.

"I'm going to say the ones not screaming like a maniac." Was Spider-Woman's reply.

"Good idea, wanna play wack-a-mole?" Spider-Man asked his sister.

"You know it brother." She said, both of them jumping into action.

Landing on the screaming man's shoulders, Spider-Man began punching him in the head, "Don't you know at the beach it's no shoes, no shirt, no service." He quipped before jumping off.

Well the man, who Spider-Man now realized was a teenager (with some serious anger management issues), was focused on him, Spider-Woman came from behind and nailed the teen with a heel kick to the top his head. She then used his head as a spring board and landed beside her brother.

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