Explanitions and a New Team.

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I own nothing but the plot unfortunately. Enjoy.

Chapter 7

The Watchtower Med Bay

Peter Parker was sitting in the medical bay of the Watchtower, again. On the bright side it was not him who was injured this time. On the down side it was his his new friends who were in the medical beds.

"So how are you girls feeling?" Peter questioned Kara, M'gann, and Barbara.

"We're fine Peter" Kara reassured the boy.

"Yeah you have nothing to worry about. Martians heal fast." M'gann told him.

"I've had worse, all I got is a few bruises." Barbara said. "I still want to know how you took on Deathstroke with what looked like minimal effort though."

"Relax Buttercup, I still have to explain it to the league to. I told them I would only explain with you guys in the room to." Peter explained.

"Buttercup?" Barbara said sounding offended.

"Yeah, you know Buttercup, like the Powerpuff Girl?" Peter deadpanned her. Barbara just stared at him with her mouth slightly agape in confusion. "You see the Powerpuff Girls were created out of sugar and spice and..."

"I know what the Powerpuff Girls are Peter! It's just... whatever, when are you going to explain what happened?" Barbara said giving up on trying to figure out her new friends train of thought.

"Right now actually" a voice spoke from the entrance to the medical room they were in. The teenagers turned to see Batman was the one who had spoken, and the rest of the league was there with him.

"Hey Spooky, long time no see. Now why doesn't everyone grab a seat. It's story time." Peter quipped to the amusement of everyone, who grabbed a seat, but Batman.

"Alright explain how you beat Deathstroke so easily. Batgirl said you appeared to be using a martial art she had never seen before?" Batman questioned the young man.

"Thats because she hasn't. She is now actually the only one on this planet other than Orange is the New Black to have seen it."

"How is that possible?" Hawkgirl asked Peter.

"Well that's because it is solely based around me and my abilities. The names kinda cliché but I call it they Way of the Spider." Peter told them.

"What are the limits of this style of fighting?" Batman questioned.

"Well other than the fact that you have to be me or someone with my powers to use it, nothing. It can counter every known fighting style in my dimension." Peter explained getting shocked looks from everybody in the room (except Batman who's face seems permanently stuck on brooding).

"If you don't mind I would like to test the full extent of your abilities." Batman asked him, although it came out as a demand not a question.

"Sure no problem Spooky. Lets hop to to it. Or would you prefer to fluter, perhaps glide to it?" Peter mocked the Dark Knight who glared at him in response, Peters grin unwavering the whole time. Finally Batman turned around and walked out, clearly expecting Peter to follow, and follow he did.

"Wow. I don't think I've ever seen some one not look aways from Bats glare before" the Flash said sounding impressed.

A few hours later...

Peter was currently sparing with Wonder Woman well the rest of the league (and Kara, M'gann and Barbara) watched.

"He is good" Hawkgirl stated.

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