We are not in Happy Harbour Anymore

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I'm back baby! Note I own only the plot of this story. Now read away.

"Come on Dad. Please?" Barbara begged her father, James 'Jim' Gordon. Jim is a middle aged  caucasian man with greying hair that was once red. He has a rather bushy moustache and pair of square framed glasses. He wears black pants with a pair of worn but still nice shoes, a grey shirt tucked into his pants, and a blue tie. He has his police badge on his belt and a holster for his gun under his arm.

"I said no Barbara. So stop asking." He groans out, getting tired of his daughters repeated question. "I'm not letting you fly out to Kansas for a weekend on your own. Besides, do you have the money for a plane ticket?"

"Thats the best part Dad, Bruce said he would fly me out there! And I'm seventeen, and I live in Gotham. I think I can take care of myself just fine." Barbara reasons. "So pleeeeeeeease?" She asks one more time. This time using a daddy girl's most dangerous weapon, the puppy dog eyes.

'Ah damn it' Jim thinks. He sighs aloud "Alright. You are seventeen now, and I suppose I can let you go to Kansas on Bruce's dime." He says, earning him an ear piercing squeal from his daughter. "Just promise me you'll be safe."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Dad!" Barbara yells out happily. "And of course I'll stay safe." She reassures her father.

"Good. Now who are you staying with out there again?" Jim asks.

"Kara Kent, and her aunt and uncle Martha and Jonathan Kent." Barbara tells her father. "Kara also invited our other friends M'gann M'orzz and Peter Parker." Barbara finishes, making her fathers eyebrows rise at the mention of a boys name.

"There's going to be a boy staying in the same house?" Jim questions his daughter.

"What? Oh yeah... I guess Peter is a guy. I've never really thought about him like that before, you know?" Barbara says with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Thats fine then. Let's keep it that way. No boys, till your my exact age." Jim tells Barbara, smirking a little.

"Oh come on Dad, I'll never be your exact age, thats just unfair." Barbara mock whines.

Jim laughs a little and says "Thats the idea sweetheart."

Barbara laughs and then hugs her father "Thanks again Dad."

"Isn't it exciting Peter!" Shouts a rather bubbly red head. "I've never been on a plane before! Well... I mean I have been on a plane before. Well it was technically a space ship, but that's not the point." M'gaan rambles out, before the hero of our story interrupts the excited girl. Today she was still wearing her green converse, jean shorts that went to her mid thighs, and a Martian Manhunter themed tank top. Her hair was done up in a low ponytail. She was also in her human skin tone. Being green tends to attract attention.

"You're rambling again Bubbles." Peter tells M'gann, smiling at her excitement. Peter is once again in his black converse, but today he is wearing a pair of beige cargo shorts (pockets are great!), a blue shirt with the words 'the sarcasm is strong with this one' printed in white font on it. A flannel themed red shirt is layered over that with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Although you couldn't see it, he had his costume on underneath. The legs and sleeves were carefully rolled up so they couldn't be seen, and the gloves, boots, and mask tucked away in the pockets of his cargo shorts. (Once again, I love pockets!)

M'gann blushed a little. "Right, what I am trying to say is I have never been on a private jet before." She said. "Have you ever been on a private jet before Peter?" M'gann asked her friend.

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