A Step Closer

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Here you have it folks, the next chapter. I've decided to dedicate to the memory of Stan Lee. I own no part of this story except the plot.

New York City - Earth 616

"Come Rhino, can't we just talk this out?" Spider-Girl asked the extremely large Russian man dressed in a rhino themed exo-suit. "I've been having a rough few months and I am really tired." She was currently perched on an overturned car, trying to catch her breath.

"Not a chance паук," Rhino said, beginning his charge at the spider themed heroine, "NOW STAND STILL!"

Spider-Girl just sighed as she flipped over Rhino when he rammed into the car, splitting it into halves. "Why do the bad guys always say that?" She asked herself, "No, you know what? Why do you always say that? I mean does it ever work? Did Spider-Man just stand there and let your gore him with that ridiculous horn?" She rambled out, jumping over the half of the car thrown at her. Attaching a web-line to the car still in the air, she pulled it around and smashed it into Rhino's head, successfully stunning him.

Taking advantage of the stun, Spider-Girl ran up to him and and began to lay into him. She finished her attack by launching herself out of a handstand to kick Rhino in the face. As he was reeling back, she attached a web-line to Rhino's hand, which she used to pull herself around his body and once more plant both feet into the Russian's face.

Unfortunately, this was still not enough to put Rhino down. Sliding under his legs to dodge his swing, she web-zipped onto a lamppost to put some distance between the two of them. 'There has to be a faster way to put this guy down.' Spider-Girl thought, dodging a large piece of rubble that Rhino had pulled from the street to throw at her. She attempted to do the same thing with the rubble she had with car, but this time Rhino blocked it and grabbed her by the throat when she got to close.

"Any last words girl?" Rhino mocked the hero, slowly increasing the pressure around her neck.

"Tu cuerno es estúpido". She choked out in Spanish. To break free from Rhino's grip, Spider-Girl brought her leg up and kicked him straight in the teeth with as much strength as she could muster. Successful chipping his teeth, Rhino screamed in pain and let her go. As Rhino stumbled, Spider-Girl webbed a piece of rubble and whiplashed it into the bottom of the mans chin. As his head was knocked back, she jumped up, attached two web-lines to the ground and slingshotted herself into Rhino's face. A harsh crack echoed as his head collided with the pavement.

This time she successfully knocked him out, and after checking to make sure, she lied down on the street in exhaustion. "You know this isn't a great place to nap". A voice said from above Spider-Girl.

Opening her eyes, she saw the amused grin of an upside down Captain Marvel. Spider-Girl just re-closed her eyes, "Five more minutes." She mumbled, "I just fought a very large pachyderm."

Captain Marvel just laughed and stuck her hand out to help the girl up. "I saw. I was about to jump in and help when you put him down." The heroine commented, pulling Spider-Girl to her feet when she accepted her hand. "Good job kid."

"Thanks." Spider-Girl said, smiling at the praise. "We should stick around for a little bit. Make sure S.H.I.E.L.D gets here and returns Rhino to his maximum security enclosure at the zoo." She quipped, "Although we should probably go wait on a roof so the police don't make me clean this up."

"You've certainly picked up on Spidey's sense of humour." Captain Marvel dryly stated as she and Spider-Girl ascended to the top of a near building. Flying and and web-slinging respectively.

Spider-Girl chuckled, "Yeah, he always says that the jokes do three things. Make your enemies angry, put your enemies of balance, and let you know who your true friends are by annoying them to see who sticks around." She joked as she sat down on the ledge.

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