Here we are Again.

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Here it is folks, you asked for it. I own nothing but the plot of this story. All characters belong to Marvel and DC and whoever else owns them.

Earth 616, New York, New York

"Jesus, how the hell did he do this?" Jessica Drew, a.k.a Spider-Woman, complained. She was wearing a leather jacket that was red on the torso and black on the arms. The jacket also had a spider design on it with the inside of it being yellow. She was wearing black pants and red boots. She also had black leather gloves on, with the index and pinky fingers being red. To complete her look she had a pair of yellow tinted sunglasses with red frames and had red lipstick on. "I've dealt with the Rhino and Shocker, Electro, and the Vulture in the last three days. I've stopped four bank robberies in the last week, and I've lost count of all the muggings I've stopped. And now I'm talking to myself, just like him. Great." The Avenger was currently flying towards Avengers tower for a follow up meeting to see if there has been any progress on finding Spidey. On her way there she heard a woman scream, so she rocketed off in the direction it came from. When Jessica got there, the mugger had already been apprehended by a familiar figure.

"Spider-Woman." Spider-Woman greeted the female clone of Spider-Man, (who coincidentally also happened to be named Jessica, only she took the last name Parker). This Spider-Woman was wearing a mostly red suit, with a large white spider (like the one on Venom) that started at her collar bone and extended down to her waist, and white fingers. She also had large white eye pieces on her mask. The mask itself had no top to it letting her long brown hair (the exact shame shade as Peters, go figure,) flow free.

"Drew!" The clone shouted in surprise as she greeted her friend with a hug. "It's good to see you. How have you been? And do you know where Peter is? I've stopped a few crimes already, and normally I would have seen him by now?" She questioned rapidly.

"It's good to see you too Parker." Jessica said, returning the hug before adopting a sad look. "We should go talk on the roof."

"Alright" the brunette Spider-Woman said, rather confused. She used a web line to zip up to the top of the building well the other Spider-Woman flew up. "So why did we have to come up here to talk?"

"It's about Peter. He's missing." Drew told the other woman.

"What! What do you mean? What happened to Peter!?" the clone shouted. "Where is my brother!?" Jessica Parker demanded to know, sounding more and more distraught.

"Parker! Parker calm down." The older woman said, placing her hands on the brunettes shoulders. "We know that Peter is safe. And we are working on getting him back. Take a deep breath okay?"

The younger Spider-Woman complied, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Okay, how do you know that he's safe? And can you tell me what happened?" She questioned.

"We know he's safe thanks to Madam Web." The black haired woman said. "She managed to communicate with him and confirm that he is safe. We haven't been able to talk to him since though. As for what happened... well were not entirely sure ourselves." Jessica Drew told Peter's 'sister', getting a look of confusion from her. "He was fighting the symboits."

"Wait, symboits? What ones?" Jessica Parker asked, cutting the other Jessica off.

"Agony, Carnage, George (no really), Krobaa, Lasher, Mania, Mayhem, Payback, Phage, Riot, Scorn, Scream, Toxin, Venom, and the spaceman one, whose name I can't pronounce." Jessica Drew said, earning a gasp out of the other woman.

"That... that's..." the clone stammered out.

"I know, love, I know." The first Spider-Woman said. "We got there just as Carnage was about to land the finishing blow. But just before that happened, he disappeared in a blinding flash of light." 

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