Where the He!! am I Now?!

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                            Chapter Two

Insert the disclaimer from last chapter here.

"Ohhhhh... am I dead? No... wait, everything hurts" said a pained Spider-man.

-spider sense- 'move you idiot!' Listening too his spider sense Spider-man rolled out of the way into a handspring landing in his signature crouch. Only to see a man dressed as a giant bat with his fist where his head had previously been.

'Now I've seen everything' Spidey thought. "Alright Spooky, who are you and where am I?" asks Spiderman. The guy with the bat motif doesn't say anything and just attacks Spider-man again.

Although this proves to rather futile with the web head evading every attack. "Will... you stop... trying to...hit me! I'll I want is to know where I am! And a sandwich, and maybe a nap." Spidey jokes, his mouth running on autopilot while he try's to figure out where he is and how he got here.

Having enough of Spooky attacking him, Spiderman front flips over him and drop kicks him in the back sending Spooky flying.

Trying to take a breather Spidey's spider sense shouts at him again causing him to jump to the side and see a woman with a sword impaled in the table where he was. "JIMMINY CRICKET!" he shouts, backflipping off the table.

"What is wrong with you people?! Can't a guy just get some answers without being maimed?!" Spider-man complains.

Feeling his spider sense tingle again, he gets ready to move but feels a fist impact the side of his head before he can react. This happens again a few times before he sees a red blur moving towards him again. Reacting faster this time he ducks and trips his opponent sending him sprawling, and webs him to the ground.

Realizing he needs to get out of there Spider-man uses one of the new tech upgrades he has been working on, Flash webs. A blinding light is emitted from his web shooters. When the light dies down Spider-man has disappeared.

"What was that?" growls Batman.

"I have no idea."says Superman "But we need to find him and fast."

"I agree, he's a threat." Batman responds.

"That and he's seriously injured" Green Lantern interjects, pointing to the disturbingly large smears of blood on the table and floor.

"Lets find him now." says Superman. Everyone nods and heads out into the Watchtower to look for this mysterious newcomer.

"Um guys... a little help!" shouts Flash still webbed to the floor forgotten about. "GUYS!" 


'That should hold for a little bit' thinks Spider-man webbing up some of his more serious wounds while sitting in one of the air vents. 'Now I just need a way out of here' he thinks and begins crawling only the way he can through the vent system until he comes to an opening.

Making sure no one is in the room before he drops from the duct located on the ceiling he start to look around the room.

Once he looks behind him out of a giant observatory window all of his brain function basically shuts down.

"Wha... is that, t-tha...SPACE!" Spidey stammers, shouting out the last part. -spider sense- 'DANGER DANGER SPIDER-MAN DANGER'  his spider sense screams at him, forcing him to jump to the side.

Looking where the danger came from he sees two people, both of them girls and both of them appeared to be teenagers. One has shoulder length red hair and red eyes. A white t-shirt with a red X going across it. A blue cape, a blue skirt, blue gloves, and blue heeled boots. Oh there was also the fact that she was green.

The next one has shoulder length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She is wearing a full body suit with the neck, shoulders and arms in red. Blue from just below the neck to mid thigh, with a red S in the center of her chest and a yellow belt buckle (although there didn't appear to be a belt). Red heeled boots that went up to her mid thigh where the blue stopped and a red cape.

Although that wasn't what caught his attention. It was the fact that the blond looked like "...Gwen..." Spider-man croaks out suddenly feeling very dizzy. He then collapses to the ground unconscious.

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