Welcome to Happy Harbor

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This is a disclaimer. I do not own anything but the plot of this story. Very sad, much tear. No own with the show.

"So why are we looking into weird weather of all things? Why can't we be doing something cooler?" Wally complained.

"Well if you look out the window to the right you will see... the ocean. If you look to your left you will see a large red man making tornadoes." Peter said sarcastically. "And he does not look like our favourite android". As the team looked out their left window the did indeed see a man creating tornados. "Double M can you get us behind him?" Peter asked.

"Sure thing Peter" M'gann told him piloting the bio-ship behind the tornado man.

"Alright so whats our plan?" Dick asked.

"I vote we go down there and kick his red plated ass." Kara said.

"I'm with her man." Wally spoke up.

"Me too." Connor added.

"Yeah... no. Remember what happened last time your plan of attack was attack, Kara?" Peter asked.

Kara got an annoyed look on her face before relenting and asking Peter "-sigh- Your right, but what's your plan then? If you have one".

"I am glad you asked Blossom, as a matter of fact I do have a plan. Or at least part of a plan. Anyway it does actually involve you going down there". Peter told the team

"Tell me more." Kara said.

"Alright first things first I know everyone is still uncomfortable with this but I need M'gann to set up a telepathic link." Peter said and continued before anyone could say anything. "I know you don't like but you have to admit that it is a good way of communicating on missions. Especially covert ones. So we are going to have to get used to it." This got everyone to agree, albeit reluctantly. "Good so M'gann can you do that? And explain how it works?" Peter asked the green girl.

"Yup. Once I set it up it shouldn't hurt like it did earlier." M'gann started.

"Uh... shouldn't". Dick said. He was ignored.

"You have to want to use it to think between us. That way your private thoughts stay private. Everyone got it?" M'gann explained getting nods out of everyone. "Good. Here I go then." She said closing her eyes and concentrating. "It should be up now. Is everyone hearing me?" M'gann asked.

"You are coming through loud and clear M'gann." Kaldur said.

"Good. Now for the rest of the plan." Peter said.

"Lay it on us Bug Boy." Barbara joked.

"First of all it's arachnid. Secondly the plan starts by Kara and Connor going down there and talking to him. Try and getting him monologuing. Find out who he is and what he wants." Peter explained.

"What makes you think he'll tell us?" Connor asked.

"The way I see it he should be interested by the S on your chest, and Kara if you float there well talking to him, he should realize that you are somehow related to Superman and are worth his attention." Peter told the team.

"So we're the distraction." Kara realized.

"Exactly." Peter said "Once you two are talking to him, Kaldur you will be hiding in the water, well Wally, Dick, Barbara and I hide in that warehouse, waiting for the right moment to strike."

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