Chapter 13

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(Jenna's pov) I didn't like leaving fact I hated it. I didn't know if either of us would survive this, so I guess we'll find out.
(Ethan's pov) have you ever cried so bad that you couldn't breath? This was happening to me. I stood there trying to speak but I couldn't even breath right let alone talk. I gasp for air. She stands there tears rolling down her cheeks. This is worst than a break up, it's like losing someone you love most. "Please.....please don't go" I continuously try to say out. She honestly doesn't want to leave I see it on her face. I just think she doesn't want to stay hurting eachother either. "Hey just stay in my bed, your not going anywhere again" Grayson says. She just nods. I walk into my room. Cuttings not the option, but neither is living without her..... I lay on my bed. I look at the ceiling. I won't cheat, I won't go out. I'll wait for her I keep thinking. Soon I hear a fall to the ground. "Shhhh it'll be ok" I hear Grayson say as his voice cracks. Grayson's crying. I open the door to see Grayson on the floor holding Jenna tightly. This was a scene of pain she red from not being able to breath from crying. She's screaming. "I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry" she keeps saying. She broke, she's not ok. "You kept me clean and now I'm the reason your in pain..... Enough pain to cut, and I'm sorry" Jenna screams. Grayson picks her up and takes her to his room. I follow. He undresses her and puts on his shirt and lays next to her stroking her hair. Calming her. "Ethan go to sleep I'll make sure she's ok" gray says. I nod and walk into my room. It  takes me so long to sleep but somehow I do.
(Grayson's pov) I lay here listening to her breaths become softer and heavier. Her eyes close and she turns over to face me. I move her hair out of her face. I cant tell Ethan about her going to Derek's he'll flip. I kiss her forehead and soon fall asleep too.
(Ethan's pov) I wake up to Grayson sitting on a bar stool. "She's sleeping..... I think today she'll sleep a lot" gray says. "I can't sleep without her next to me" I say. A few more hours went by and Jenna woke up. She looked so tired. Her eyes red her hair messy. A few more hours went by and we all got ready and went out to a party in a few city's over. We got In The car and left. It was packed and pretty far. We walked in. She cleaned up nice. Her eyes brighter....her body not slump anymore. She walked in with confidence, already four guys staring at her and we're just at the door. I had something so good.... So great and I lost it. Grayson takes Jenna's hand and stays with her. It makes me feel better because I know gray will watch her. I had about two, three girls dancing on me, it was fun. One got crazy and started going down on me. She tried to undo my pants but I pushed her off. I started to walk away. One of the girls came up to me and started kissing me. It was weird. I went with it why not?. It got kinda serious. "Let's go in the bathroom" she said. I had to get more fucked up to do anything so I said "let's drink more"  she nodded. We went in the kitchen and drank about four maybe six more beers. Soon I find myself in a bathroom with this girl blowing me. It wasn't even good. It wasn't Jenna. I pushed her off and walked out. I was disappointed in myself. I seen Grayson and Jenna smoking weed in the living room. She was fearless, and crazy at all the things she does. Jenna laughing and falling over she's fucked up. Grayson standing up with her and pulling her in and makes out with her. My heart. My poor sore heart is destroyed.  I see her kinda try to pull away. But she still goes with it. He whispers in her ear and they walk outside. They get in his car and go to leave but stop. Jenna gets out and comes back in. She sees me. "Come on we're leaving" she says and walks away. I follow her. It was awkward in the car Jenna was teasing Grayson and was all over him. I swear this is not fare. We get home and Grayson practically drags Jenna in his room. I walk in my room trying to cover my ears. I start crying I can't do this. All I hear is Jenna's moans and screams. The way she keeps saying Grayson's name kills me more and more. His bed hitting the wall harder and harder each time. I'm trying to help Jenna and all of it went to waste she's the same again. Every guy has touched her but me and it's not fare I actually want it, no I actually need it. Eventually it all stops. I hear Grayson's door open. Soon my door opens to Jenna standing there in Grayson's shirt no underwear on. "Uh I came to say goodnight, and I'm sorry" she says. "How can you do this to me?" I ask with hurt, "I'm tired of feeling empty so I let guys take me do whatever they want, I just want to feel like someone cares!" She says back. "I cared about you. God I cared about you more than anyone ever will. I love you more than I loved myself. You let that all go" I say back standing up. "Well at least you can fuck my brother right" I say. She shakes her head with anger. "You know how many nights I laid next to you having your body on me and all I wanted to do is fuck you, but I didn't I laid there and slept. " she said. "Well you give some pretty good head if you ask me" I say back getting closer to her. "God! I hate this! She yells. "So does my brother give you pleasure? Or is this just another hook up?" I ask. "Yeah he does, but I never fucked a virgin. I think you would be fun" she said back. This girl mentally fucks me over. I grab her and pull her in my room.

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