Chapter 10

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(Ethan pov) The next morning Jenna slept all day. I went to wake her up at around 3 and I've been up for a little and I figured she would want to do something today. " it's 3" I say shaking her. She smiles. "I'm getting my sleep for the party tonight" she says laying up. She goes and brushes her teeth and than goes to make some toast. She sits there eating her food. All afternoon I was dreading this party, I hate parties sometimes and I didn't really feel like going. It was about 8:30pm so we left. We got there and Jenna ran to Kylie. Kylie is just as bad as Jenna and it scares me. I'm over here tying to make her better and Kylie's going to ruin it. I don't let Jenna out of my site. "Duddddeee this guys chugging this whole keg" Grayson laughs. He pulls me into this small dining room. This guy was wasted. He falls over drunk as fuck. I go back on the dance floor to see Jenna and Kylie dancing on eachother. I love watching her from a far, the way she laughed and smiles her hair flowing all in almost slow motion. Every moment with her is a cherish moment. Jenna doesn't drink too much but she did smoke some. I didn't mind I smoked too. I like seeing things from her point of view. Jenna was sitting in my lap on the couch as Kylie was sitting in the floor and Grayson next to us. Jenna lays herself out so her head in my lap and her legs are across Grayson. "I'm going to get a drink" I say. I wanted to have fun tonight so that's what I did. I was gone for about a hour. I drank about 7 more beers within this time. I look over to see Jenna sleeping on Grayson's lap. I go and dance with Kylie . Why not right were all friends. "Ethannnn man smoke this" some guy said. I couldn't even see straight to see who it was. I took whatever it was and went back to Jenna. "Bro get off her" I said to Grayson. "She's sleeping just go dance with Kylie" he said. I walk right over to Kylie and start humping myself against her.
(Jenna pov) I remember Ethan leaving to get a drink but I didnt drink enough to stay awake so I slept on Grayson. The music got louder so I woke up.  I asked Grayson where Ethan was and he shook his head to the dance floor. I look to see Ethan having Kylie bent over humping the crap out of her. Her dress almost off. "Can we go back to the apartment?" I ask. Grayson nods. He takes my hand and leads me to his car. We pull up and get out of the car once we got to the apartment. We walk up and I change into some shorts and a loose shirt. "Damn now I know why Ethan wants to fuck you so bad" Grayson  says bitting his lip in the door way. I just awkwardly smile and lay on Ethan's bed. "You can't sleep unless someones next to you" Grayson laughs. "I know" I laugh back. Grayson comes over and picks me up and takes me to his room and lays me down. "Here I'll cuddle you until Ethan gets home and I'll bring you into his room" Grayson says laying next to me. Grayson wasnt even drunk he had like two drinks so I felt better.  "Jenna....." Grayson says in my ear. "Yeah" I whisper. "I want you so bad" he says in a deeper voice. I turn over to look at him. "Ethan kissed Kylie" Grayson said. "What!" I say laying up. "Shhhh, he messed up" he said. He leans up too. He turns my face towards him.  Leaning onto me. "I can't cheat on Ethan" I say. "Maybe it's not cheating if he's already doing it" Grayson says. I get up off the bed. "I'm going back to the party to see it myself" I say walking towards the door. "Okay I'm coming" he said. We get in the car and end up in the same drive way, now even more packed. We walk in and I look all over. I don't see Ethan . I walk around holding Grayson's hand, I don't see Ethan. "Up stairs" he said. We walk up stairs, I open a bathroom door to see Kylie against a wall with Ethan kissing on her neck and laughing at eachother. Ethan looks up so quickly. I turn around fast to only fall into Grayson's arms and he held me against him. The smell of fresh axe spray is all I smell. I start to cry. "I'm sorry, your right" I say. "Shhh" Grayson says in my ear rocking me. "Jenna...." Ethan trails off into a softer voice. I push pass Grayson and walk out of the bathroom. "You fucked up, now I fuck your girl" Grayson says to Ethan and walks out with me. I hold Grayson's hand leading us out to his car. I start bawling as soon as we get to the fresh air. "Uhhhhh, how am I so stupid to care for someone" I say crying against Grayson's  car. "Get in" he says. We drive back to the apartment and I go in Grayson rooms. I'm kinda scared to see what will happen. But he doesn't do anything he lays by me and cuddles me until we fall asleep. 5:46am we hear the door open the close. Soon a figure walks into Grayson's room. "Give me her, she's mine" Ethan ways in Grayson's  face. Ethan's eyes were so red, he was wasted as hell. "Just let her sleep your both not in a good mood" Grayson says back. "Fuck off, you better not have touched her" Ethan said.  " oh yeah like you did with Kylie right in front of her" Grayson said. "Did you touch her!?!?!?!??!" Ethan says with anger. "Doesn't matter I have before and I'll always be better at it" Grayson says quickly. Ethan takes one swing at Grayson's and Ethan falls to the ground he's so drunk. Soon Ethan comes over to me and grabs me hard and yanks me off the bed. "Get in the fucking room now!" He yells. I start to get teary eyed. I lay back down, "just let me sleep" I say. And Ethan looks at me with shock and walks out. Grayson laying back down with me.

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