Chapter 6

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(Ethan's pov) Monday came around. I couldnt even look at her. Grayson ignored her because I told him too. She came up to me at 6th hour. "I can't go home.....please" she says looking down. "Why?" I ask. "My brother is mad at me, he hit me pretty bad and I can't go back" she said. I agreed and at the end of the day I took her back to my place. This was the last week of school for summer break. So I was excited. We got to the apartment and Grayson was there. "Oh are we doing a tag team?" He laughs. "I know you think I'm a slut, and I understand I sleep around, and I'm trashy! But you don't know my reasons, you don't know my life, okay!" She yelled. She walked into my room. She just stared at my wall blankly. "You think I'm so awful I know you do, I see the way you look at me" she says. "I see the good in you, I see what your worth, no one will ever look at you the way I do" I say standing behind her with my hands on her waist. " I don't want you to think I want something out of you" I say. She turns around looking at my lips our body pressed together. "I don't meaningless sex with you" she said. "I want love" she now says looking in my eyes. She starts to back away. "But I feel like you need my trust more so...." She says, while looking down. "At night when you sleep by me, I swear I never sleep better, and when I wake up by you, I swear I never wake up happier." I say looking at her. But I know Jenna she likes things sweet, but she likes things weird and surprising to. So instead of sitting here telling her my heart. I just stare at her. "Earlier seeing my brother fuck you, and thrusting himself in and out of you, and falling beside you, and moaning your name. I swear I never felt more heart broken" I say lastly. "Be my girlfriend, let me show you the good parts of life,,let me show you how to be loved" I said leaning on her. "Yes....yes" she says smiling. I finally think I won at something in life with her. I can't wait to stay up at night and talk about our worst habits, and go on walks to the beach at 3 in the morning. I can't wait to hold her hand everywhere I go. The next few weeks were good, we went to school and I showed her off like the princess she is. But one Friday night we decided to go to nates party. We walk in it was so hype there was a live DJ and everything. Jenna walked up stairs with Kylie laughing so careless. She was out of it, I hated when she did this. I seen there was guys walking up shortly after following them in the same room. I wanted to trust her so I just waited. About 25 minutes passed and she was still in there no one came out of that room. I decided to go check on her. I open the door and Kylie's in the corner in just her underwear. She's crying, "where's Jenna?!?" I yell. She pointed to a corner of the room. She had her mouth ducked taped, Derek was fucking her against a wall. Jenna wasn't even fully there. She was lifeless getting fucked.  I go and punch Derek. Jenna was naked I couldn't find her clothes. I untape her and took off my shirt for her to wear. I carry her down stairs, with Kylie following. "Grayson! Let's go!" I yell. He follows. We get in the car, I sit in the back seat with her holding her, crying, no bawling my eyes out. "Kyllllie.... Wwhat happppened" I try to say. "We went upstairs to hang out not doing anything, and we didn't now Derek was there. He taped her and gave her ecstasy. They stripped me down but I fought back, Derek rapped her again" Kylie says. "Again....what are you talking about?" I ask. "She didn't tell you?" Kylie asked. I started crying. I tried to feel her heart beat but there wasn't one. "Grayson hospital now!" I yell. He rushes us there. I carry her in..... They get her a room right than. I tell them she was at a party and she was drugged and rapped. They tried instantly to do test to get the drugs out of her system. We all sit there hours and hours go by..... My whole life is in that other room fighting for her life she doesn't want, how do I even think straight. Finally a doctor came, "family and friends of Jenna" he says. I stand up. "Yeah, is she okay?" I ask. "She got drugged twice as much as the normal body can handle, your lucky you came when you did, and we did find sperm count in her body. So that's concerning if she gets pregnant by rape. I'm really sorry about all this. She will have to stay over night to be watched but she is a wake and you can see her, she's loopy though. I walk in first, her eyes were closed, her body was cold, she was pale. "Jenna baby.....please wake up" I choke. "Hey Jenna I'm really sorry babe" Kylie says. "I'm here too Jenna" Grayson said. We all sat there in that room for a few hours waiting for her to open her eyes. Kylie fell asleep . I was tired but I wanted to see her wake up. Suddenly she started flickering her eyes. Grayson and I stand up. "Hi baby" I said. She smiled. She looked around and looked scared. "Whhat happened?" She asks. "Do you remember anything?" I ask. "Yeah.... Kylie and I were going up stairs to hang out....and Derek's was there...and he was putting stuff in my mouth and was taping my..... Wait" she says starting to cry. "He raped me" she says crying. "Shhhh it's okay" I say. "What if I get pregnant, why does bad things happen" she asks. I kiss her forehead. "You'll be okay I won't leave you" I say. "I'm sorry Ethan I didn't know he was there.....and I don't want to cheat on you and everything...." She trails off. "Shhh babe it's okay move over" I say. She moves over and I lay by her in her hospital bed. And we fell asleep.

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