Chapter 16

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(Ethan's pov)
I walk into an empty apartment. It's cold. I look around and see no site of Jenna. I go into my room and unpack my stuff. I see a messy bed with my shirts all over the floor. Well she's been here, I think to myself. As I finish Unpacking I go into the living room and tried calling Jenna. No answer. Again, and again. I get worried. Hours and hours go by, and finally she texts me.
Jenna: I'm sorry Ethan, I wish I could have been there to see you.
Ethan: it's fine where are you I need you
Jenna: I'm with Nikki.
Ethan: why I'm home
Jenna: I know I'll be there in a hour
Ethan: okay
Text ends.
A hour goes by and I hear the door open. Jenna stands there quite. "Hey I missed you" she said while hugging me. She seemed upset. "What's wrong" I say. "I just really really missed you" she states. I take her into my room and we cuddle and talk about our week. "So I got to see all my old friends" I say. " that must of been fun" she says. "Yeah I got to see my first "love" I guess" I say. "Oh" "it's okay we only kissed" I say truthfully. "It's okay" she says quietly. "What happened"'I say Angrily. "I just went to a party, and I feel bad not telling you" she says. "It's fine I trust you" I say back, we stay silent for a while. Jenna gets up and takes off the shirt she has. She has no bra on but she's faced away from me. She slides down her jeans. She's so beautiful how could someone not be in love with her.  I watch as she walks to my closet, revealing some of her chest. She grabs a shirt and puts it on. She walks over and sits at the edge of the bed in front of me. She looks at me and smiles. "I really did miss you" she says again. I kiss her forehead and pull her onto my lap. Her legs on either side of me, herself pressed against my boxers. I look her in the eyes. I want her really bad. I lean in and start kissing her neck. While playing with the rim of her panties. She starts trusting herself on me, which doesn't help. I roll her over so I'm on her. She just closes her eyes.
(Jenna's pov)
I feel so bad not telling him about what that guy did at the party. He's on me and I can't even comprehend what's going on. I don't want to do this while him not knowing what's going on. I start to push Ethan off. But he doesn't move. "Ethan stop" I say. He keeps kissing my neck and chest. "Ethan" I yell. I push him as hard as I could off. "What the hell" he screams back. "I'm sorry" I say shyly. "Jenna please" Ethan begs. I couldn't believe Ethan was going to pressure me into sex, even when it's his first time. Ethan looks down at me. He rubs at my thighs. " look I didn't mean to hurt you" Ethan says. " I know, I'm the one hurting you" I say back. I sit up and look Ethan in the eyes. "You deserve a virgin, a nice girl who understands her value. You need a girl who can do you right" I say. "I don't care that your not a virgin, I don't care if you have a lot of experience and I don't care if you think I deserve better because I don't want anyone else" Ethan says holding my hand. I burst into tears. "Ethan I just need you to hold me, please tell me you'll always love me" I plead into his bare chest. "What happened" he says with anger. "Well I went to that party....and I was drinking as always. And this guy and I started talking, he was nice so we hung out. So we went to his dorm and he gave me a drink, it was drugged. And he soon tied me up and duck taped my mouth. He hit me and told me not to tell anyone and he raped me, and it hurt so bad" I cry. Ethans face was pale and hurt. " could you do this" he begins. "I can't even leave you for a week without getting in trouble" he yells. "Ethan I was drugged, beat, and raped. I couldn't do anything" I plead. Tears all over Ethan's face breaks every last piece of my heart. "Let's get you tested for anything and to see if your okay" Ethan says looking down. I know he's right so I nod. I get up and go into Grayson's. I lay next to him so I know Ethan has his space. Soon the sun wakes me up to a Grayson still in a blissful sleep. I go to get some coffee and Ethan's in the kitchen. "You slept with Grayson" Ethan asks annoyed. " yeah you need space" I say grabbing a cup. " we have a doctor appointment at 1" he says looking down at his cup. We got dressed and headed to the doctor. We walk in and I sign in and we wait for my name. About ten minutes later we hear "Jenna" a nice blonde lady called. We walk into a small room and wait for a doctor. Soon a older lady walked in. " so what do you need today?" She ask. " I want to see if I have any sexual diseases." I say. She smiles. "So your sexually active?" She asks. "Yes" I say. She goes and runs some test. About 15 minutes later she walks in. "Your clean there's nothing wrong, but when's the last time you were active?' She asks. "About a week ago" I say, "have you taken a pregnancy test?" She asks. These words are so scary to me. I remember the first time I thought I had a pregnancy with Derek and how awful it was. "No" I say. "Well lay down and we can put some gel on you and find out" she says and leaves the room. Ethan could tell how scared I was so he grabs my hand. He runs his thumbs over my fingers to relax me. She enters again with a machine. She puts some cold gel on me and starts looking on this screen. After about five minutes she moves to part of the screen and says "see that small round thing, that's your baby." Worry and fear wash through me. She cleans me off and asks when would we like another appointment. "Is there anyway I can make a appointment for abortion?" I ask. Ethan didn't like this idea as he grabs my hand really hard. "Yes you can call and make one anytime and we can see what we can do"'she smiles. Ethan and I than leave and get in the car.

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