Chapter 23

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(Ethan's pov)
I wake up. I remember last night and smile at my beautiful sleeping girlfriend. I get up and make some coffee. Grayson texted me saying Paige and Taylor can come home today. Jenna soon after enters the kitchen and I tell her the news. She smiles and sits in the chair and grabs a cup of coffee. I'm excited for Taylor to come home so I can spend more time with her. Grayson walks through the door with Paige following behind holding Taylor. She hands her to Grayson and he shows Taylor all around the apartment. The night goes on and Paige goes to sleep. It's Grayson Jenna and I all in the living room. Grayson smiling at Taylor. He hands her to Jenna and goes to the bathroom. "She's so perfect" Jenna says smiling. Her eyes glow but with a mixture of happiness and sadness. "God to think I would be holding my own right now....." She says with a nervous fake laugh. I see the guilt in her eyes. Jenna and I soon go to bed and she lays there so calm. I hold her and whisper "it's ok" over and over again. The next few months consist of a crying baby at 4 am. Paige goes to school at 7:00 while we stay home with Taylor. Jenna and I started online school as well. "God! I can't fucking do this" Grayson yells while holding a crying Taylor. "What's wrong?" I run into Taylor's room. "She won't calm down, she hates me" Grayson yells. I grab Taylor and out her in her bed and take grayson to the living room. "Go get lunch or something alright?" I say and he nods and leaves. I make Taylor a bottle and Jenna stands in the door way watching me. "You really make it hard to not want a baby with you" she laughs. I put Taylor back to bed and we wait for Paige to get home. When she does get home she goes straight to Taylor and gives her a bath and goes to sleep. Grayson gets home late and he seems more calm, he joins them in bed. This house has so many people but still seems empty. I bearly get any sleep thanks to my mind taking over the night. I get up early and decide to get Taylor since she's crying.
(Jennas pov)
I hear Ethan get up at the first sound of Taylor. He picks her up and brings her into our room . "Jenna...... Watch her while I make her a bottle" Ethan whisper. "Mhmm... " is all I say and turn over to her. He makes her a bottle and feeds her and I watch. I can't lie the way is strong muscles hold her close to him. The way he looks down at her with a big smile. Is so gorgeous, I lay up and take her and continue to feed her. He looks at me and kisses me. Soon Grayson walks in. "Hey I think that's my baby" he laughs. He takes her and walks into the kitchen. The more and more I see how happy Ethan is makes me want to make him happy. "I think in maybe a year or so when we're older and ready I would want to try" I say quietly. He looks over at me and smiles. "Whenever your ready" he smiles. The day goes on and it's getting late. Ethan and I decide to go order Chinese and bring it home. When we return home we see a crying Grayson in the living room. He runs to us. " th... This" he tries to say. He hands us a letter.
Dear my loving Grayson.
This gives me so much pain but I have to go, my father will let me move in with him. I'm sorry I'm leaving Taylor with you, but I know you will give her a better life. I promise one day I'll come back for her. Thank you for giving me Taylor, and thank you for giving me love.
Yours truly Paige
No words are spoken. I truly feel awful for Grayson we go and hug him. "She's not coming back for her.....I won't let her" Grayson cries. It's so hard watching him break, he's been through so much. Ethan takes Taylor and rocks her. "Grayson...." I begin. "You deserve to be happy with your deserve to see the bright side of this. I hope one day you really find the real love of your life and not let them go" I say tears in my eyes as I look at Ethan. My heart truly breaks with Grayson's. We all eat dinner and Grayson mostly feeds Taylor. Tears every now and than falling from his cheeks. "Why can't anyone love me?" Grayson asks. "That little girl loves you more than anyone else in the whole world." I say sad. Grayson smiles at me and takes Taylor to bed. I look at Ethan. " I'm in love with you, I can't leave" I say tears threatening my eyes. He gets up and holds me as I sob into his chest. He takes me into our room. And lays me down. Kissing down my body so slowly. "All I want is to please you in life, let me make you happy" Ethan says between wet kisses placed all over my body. He slowly slides down my shorts, and soon after underwear. I can feel his hot breath all over me. The thing about Ethan is that he is so intoxicating, that every drug, and drink I've ever encountered has not been more powerful than him. I can't help but pull at his hair and bite my lip down so Grayson doesn't hear all that I'm feeling. The thing is ever since Ethan brought out the idea of a baby I'm afraid of sex. I'm afraid he'll want it to be more than that, I'm afraid he'll only have the idea of a baby in his head. I see Ethan look up at me and put a condom on, but I can't help but feel the amount of uncertainly in my body. Ethan and I haven't had sex a lot only two three times. He's about to begin on my body when he looks up at me. "Is this ok?" He asks. I smile and agree. Instantly I'm craving more, wanting to inhale, smoke, or inject every once of his wellbeing.

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