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The day started out like any other day. I woke up sweating from the horrid dream that just awhile ago possessed my mind, the dream is usually the same but sometimes little details get added there and then.

I finally got enough strength to crawl out of bed and walked to my closet. I was never the type of person to take a shower in the morning, yes a lot of people find it weird, but honestly I didn't see the point of taking a shower again when I took a shower the night before but I guess that's just my opinion.  

I went into the bathroom, which was located across my room, and brushed my teeth while looking at myself in the mirror. After about 2 minutes I was done brushing my teeth and went back to my room to pick out an outfit to wear.

I picked out a pair of light blue skinny jeans and topped it off with a jacket that had the Nike swoosh logo. I never put a lot of thought into the outfits I wore at school because I didn't see the point of spending 30 to 40 minutes picking out an outfit and also wearing make-up.

Make-up is also something I didn't spend time focusing on.

I picked up my black backpack and headed down stairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I was met with silence because, like always, there was nobody home except for me.

My adoptive mother, who I called Elizabeth, was a lawyer and spent most of her time at the office and she never really found the time to stay at home and actually spend a whole week with me. But don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful to Elizabeth but I just wish that I could get to know her more then I do now.

I grabbed the keys right before I went to put on my black Toms. I opened the door and the chilly hair hit my face but it was like taking a breath of fresh air. I turned back around and locked up the door.

I took the steps down the porch before I continued the walk to school. Elizabeth had bought me this used car that surprisingly still looked new, but driving a car made me anxious and I didn't have the energy to actually get in a car so my other option was to walk. But walking cleared my thoughts so I didn't mind as much.

After the 15 minute walk to school I finally saw the big building that had big bold letters that said "Brooksville High School"

I was a senior this year and you would think that I would be nervous since this was my last year of high school but I honestly wasn't, see my GPA was pretty good so I wasn't worried about my classes.

Brooksville High was a good school, even considered great, it had close to 2,000 kids total walking through the hallways and the school got about 90 kids each year, not counting the freshman's.

The parking lot was filled with lively students talking to their friends laughing and making jokes with each other.

I finally got to the entrance of the school which had 2 big double doors that I walked through. Inside the school was much more nosier. There were kids everywhere with big smiles on their faces.

I envied their careless expressions, they laughed like there wasn't anywhere else they would rather be and I longed for days like that where I could smile, laugh, or even make jokes without feeling guilty.

I kept walking down the animated hallways until I reached my navy colored locker. I picked out the text books that I would need for my morning classes knowing that I wouldn't be able to carry all of my books for the whole day.

I was about to shut my locker when I heard an all too familiar voice.



I turned around to see my best and only friend running down the hallways waving her hands like a mad women

" Ashley" I called her name in a way of greeting

Ashley was a short girl but compared to me she was possibly way taller because I was still only 5'3. My best friend had brown hair with streaks of blond that made her hair stand out in a pretty way, she had bright green eyes that always seemed to be filled with excitement, Ashley was always bubbly and she was always thinking about having fun, fun, and more fun. But something big about Ashley was that she was very pretty, she had a nice body and a lot of boys went after her.

To sum it all up, she was the exact opposite of me.

" You will not believe what I'm about to tell you Von, it's like literally the best thing that has ever happened to me" Ashley said trying to catch her breath from the running she just did.

Another thing about her is that she tended to over-exaggerate everything, especially when she was excited.

" What is it Ashley? What happened" I replied trying to sound as excited as she was.

Ashley was part of the popular club, considering the fact that she was way pretty, and everything that was going on with the popular group I knew because Ashley couldn't keep a secret even if it meant saving her life.

" So you know C.J right?" Ashley asked looking like she was ready to burst.

Of course I knew who Chris was, I've been in love with him since the day I first met him. To a lot of people Chris was know as C.J, which were his initials, but I didn't get the point of calling him by his initials when Chris or Christopher was a perfectly good name.

"Yeah Ashley I know who Chris is, why?" I asked curiously

" Well....he asked me out!!" Ashley shouted joyfully.

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