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Liza looked like an animated cartoon as she talked about the work that she had been doing at the law firm. One day when I'm all grown up on my own I hope that I find a profession that brings me more joy then I know what to do with.

" So how's school going for you? have you been adjusting well?" she asked with a tint of worry in her voice

" Um yeah schools been great, I made some friends" I could feel my voice shake as I told her my little white lie.

" Yeah I remember you had told me about a girl, Ashley? "

" Yeah she- she's um a nice person to be around"

" That's good. It's important that you surround yourself with nice and caring people." .

After talking to Elizabeth a little more, I put the dishes in the sink and went upstairs.

As I stood in the bathtub with the water drenching my body, all I could think about was school. To be honest I liked school or at least I used to like school and school was a good place to be during the day or a place that you could go to forget your problems, unless your problem was at school.

Christopher's enticing blue eyes came to mind and I took a sharp inhale. No matter how many times I had tried to forget him, my heart wouldn't let go and I felt as if my heart had developed this feeling that I would get every time I saw him.

The weekend passed by quicker then I had hoped but in the back of my mind I knew that I had to face Ashely either sooner or later and the first choice sounded more appealing to me.

I pushed the double doors open and walked in. As I walked to my locker I looked to left to see Christopher chatting with his friends. My breath got stuck in my my lungs as I watched him throw his head back and laugh at something the boy next to him said.

Even though I barely knew Christopher I had still picked up on how guarded he was. I mean yes he laughed and joked with the student body but sometimes I would catch him, in class, with this look on his face and he always looked like he was in deep thought but I never had the courage to go up to him and actually ask what the problem was.

" Oh my god look at her!"

" I know right I mean look at her"

" Hahahah!"

"If you really and I mean really look at her....she looks like a freak!"

The girls behind me didn't know the concept of whispering, if you were going to talk about me behind my back then at least have the decency to keep it to yourself.

I felt like there were spider bugs crawling on my body because while the Chemistry teacher went on about fluids, about 99.9% of the class was looking back at me and snickering.

I admit that I had never been liked by many but I didn't see the reason or meaning of talking about a person where they can hear you, especially when that person has done nothing to you or your friends.

" OKAY! class today we are starting on a new project that will be stretched out to a couple months depending on how well you work with your new partners" Mr. Robinson said trying to get the classes attention

As I heard multiple groans from almost everyone in the room, I silently in my mind thanked Mr. Robinson for drawing the attention away from me.

" Yes you guys heard me correctly I will be the one assigning the partners and before anybody asks, no you may not switch partners unless there's an extremely serious issue going on. Now listen to who your partnered with and move next to that person"

I listened quietly while the teacher listed off the names and I prayed that I would be partners with a decent enough person.

" ....Yvonne Smith and C.J...."

Before I could even react to the fact that I was actually partnered with Christopher, I heard the metal chairs being scraped against the floor and in the midst of all the noise I heard a voice behind me.

" Bro I feel bad for you " a boy said with a light chuckle

" Why's that man?" Replied an all too familiar voice

" Because you have to be with that crazy chic Vonnie"

I zoned myself out of that conversation  because I didn't think I could take what Christopher's reply would be.

As I felt a presence sit in the chair next to me, I became all too insecure.

" Now class since school just started a few months back and you probably still don't know the person sitting next to you, I want you guys to talk to each other and really get to know each other so that you will be able to easily build chemistry with your partner" said Mr. Robinson laughing at his own little joke.

" But sir we already all know each other pretty well" said a girl in the front

" You don't really know a person unless you know what drives them and that's what I want you guys to find out about your partner and to actually make sure you do that, I want you to write 1 page about that person and the thing that makes them do what they do"

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