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"He a- as- asked you out" I asked stuttering feeling like my insides were being ripped apart

"Yes, he just came up to me and asked me out, I honestly have no idea how it happened" Ashley replied with an honest curious face.

What didn't make it any better is the fact that I knew the exact reason why he asked her out, Ashley is one of the prettiest people at our school and what guy would want to go out with her.

I had just hoped that Christopher wouldn't ask Ashley, someone who was close to me, out. Chris had already went out with about 10 girls at our school and it was also well known around the school that he was a very big player

But I couldn't find it anywhere in my heart to let him go, I had fallen too hard and I didn't know how to stop not liking him.

"We're going out this Friday and I'm so excited I-" Before Ashley could finish her sentence she rushed past  and ran into the opposite direction from where we were going.

I turned around to see what she was running and the sight in front of me made me lose my breath

Ashley's arm were wrapped around Chris's bicep's  while Chris leaned down to whisper something in her ear and she laughed like he was the funniest person she had ever known

But in that moment Chris and Ashley looked like the ideal couple, they complimented each other so much it was unreal.

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