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" So your telling me that you guys aren't together anymore? " Asked one of Ashley's friends

I felt almost numb because I was still in shock about the fact that they had already broken up when they had just started going out.

" No I guess we just weren't meant to be " As Ashely said that she had this playful glint in her eyes that made her look suspicious to me.

Ashley didn't look as if she was even sad abou the fact that her and Christopher weren't going out and what I wanted to know the most is the reason behind the breakup.

" Oh wow you guys didn't even go out for that long and you already broke up, I guess you just weren't his type " Said this other girl named Lisa

As Lisa said that comment she had this little devious smile that hinted at the fact that maybe she was better suited for Christopher. I honestly don't know how Ashley could stand being around such negative people that dissed her with every chance they got.

Thats why in all of my life I would never wish to be apart of the "popular" crowd because they were all about putting each other down when they claim they're all "friends".

" Ashley I-I n-need to g-go check some-something o-out at the li-li-li-library " I couldn't stand being aroud Ashley and her friends becasue being around them made me uncomfortable so I decided to take me leave before anything more happened.

I quickly stood up and picked up my drinkl before Ashley could say "no", and as I was walking away I could still hear her friends whisper about me.

" Ew the library? "

" She looks so fat in those jeans "

" Who in the world does she think she is "

" She's such a slut, she can't walk away from us "

I walked as fast as my feet could take me because I didn't want to fall and embaress myself more then I already had just by sitting by them.

The last half of school went by great without any disturbance from anyone and I couldn't help but thank the Lord for that.

As I left my locker with only my backpack I turned a corner and standing right there was Christopher and his entourage. All of them standing together like that made them look like they just came from a magazine but the one that grabbed my attention the most was obviously Christopher.

I was hoping that maybe I could get past them without Christopher noticing me because honestly I didn't want to do the project with him at all no matter how much I cared about my grade.

But luck wasn't on my side because just as I passed his group and thought that he hadn't seen me I heard his all too familar voice call my name.

" Yvonne! "

The fact that his voice could be heard even outside didn't do anything to help but I still came to a stop and looked behind me to see him slowly jogging to me and behind him I saw the confused faces of all his friends.

" Were you just going to walk past me? " He said with a light chuckle that sent shivers down my spine.

" Um no? " I said in a questioning tone.

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