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He stood up and his 6 foot height became more noticeable. As I looked up at him butterflies in my stomach started flying around. His deep blue eyes looked just like an ocean at night and his brown hair was falling on his forehead.

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked but I couldn't hear him because I was too focused on his appearance.

"Wa-wait what" I asked still confused

" Do you remember what happened before you fell and lost consciousness?" He asked again looking a little I think inpatient. Which, even though it's hard to admit to myself, hurt my feelings. But there was nothing to be surprised about because nobody ever really took time to see me and try to understand who or what I was.

" I'm sorry, no I don't remember what happened" I replied back trying to sound as if I wasn't ready to run out of this room.

" Somebody pushed you from behind and hit you head pretty hard when you fell down" he told me, wince when he got to the part where I fell down and hit my head.

" ...and how did I get here in the nurses office?" I asked still curious to how all these events played out

"After you got pushed on the floor you didn't get up and since nobody was moving to help you I decided to go check to see if you were okay and thats when I notice that you had passed out, so I decided to bring you here" Chris said

"Oh okay.." I said feeling kind of hurt that nobody had gotten up to help me when it was obvious that I was in need of help.

But then again that was nothing new. I barely knew anybody at this school, I had never taken the time to get to know anybody and nobody had ever approach me except Ashley, I was completely fine with the way my life was right now but that stop me from feeling hurt about the fact that nobody inclined to help or to at least check if I was okay.

" ..and what do people usually say when someone else does something nice to them" Chris said giving me the look that said he was waiting for me to say something.

"Thank you?" I said

" Is that a question or is that a statement" He replied with a smirk

" Thank you, honestly" I said back trying to sound more convincing.

"Your welcome, just don't go passing out everywhere you go because I won't be there to help you out again" He said with a smirk before opening the door to the nurses room and walking out.

After a long day at school, longer then I wanted, I opened the door to the house and walked in feeling like I could finally breath.

I took off my shoes and placed them on the little mat by the door, I rushed right pass the kitchen and went up to my room to take off my hoodie and wear a long-sleeved white shirt that was way more snug and comfortable.

I opened the big gray fridge we had in the kitchen and looked at the different options of food that Elizabeth had surprisingly taken the time to put in. But since I didn't have an appetite I just went with a green apple.

I walked to the big spacious living room and sat down while reaching for the remote. I clicked the powere button on the remote and almost instantly the whole living room was filled with the bright light that was coming from the TV.

I had watched about 4 hours of TV before I decided I shoudl probably eat something for "dinner", but it was only 6:30 then. I took a shower afterwards and that's where I'm at now.

I had put on some pajama pants with a big t-shirt and at the moment I was laying on my bed just staring at the glow in the dark stars and moons that I had put on the walls everywhere.

I had always wanted them when I was younger but my parent's never saw the meaning or necessity in them so they never brought it for me, but once I got adopted by Elizabeth I asked her if I could get them and she said yes even though she didn't understand.

As I looked up at the stars I couldn't help but let m brain wander to before when I was at school in the nurses room. Being up close to Chris made him look even more like an illusion.

His straight nose that went well with his strong chiseled jaw, his tan skin tone that made his ocean blue eyes look more alluring, and the way his towering frame made him stand out more than anything else. When he walked into a room, everybody's eyes and their focus instantly went to him.

Chris was so captivating so luring, it was almost impossible to not be attracted to him.

He was unlike anybody else and it hurt that Ashley would go out with him willingly when she had known how much I liked him.

I had known Ashley since the minute I stepped into Brooksville High. She had been the first person who had managed to put a smile on my face after what I went through and I had told her a some things about my past but I never told her about the accident and the reason why I needed to be adopted. But she never asked questions about it and that alone made me want to becom her friend.

Chris had came a few months after I was new to Brooksville and when Chris was a new kid I had told Ashley that I liked him and that I had found him intriguing, although it was last year that I had told her, we were now seniors and I still liked Christopher when this new year started but I guess Ashley had forgotten about the confession I had told her and probably thought that I still didn't possess those types of feelings towards Chris.

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