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Chris's had turned out to be fine after all although I was still worried that it might bruise but he kept saying that it was fine so I left it alone for the moment.

The time was 10:45 and to my surprise the park was filled with a bunch of little kids running around. Seeing all the little boys and girls scattered around made the pare seem more lively and that was definitely okay with me.

Chris and I had been sitting at a bench that was located a few feet away from the playground equipment and although we hadn't been talking much I was still very much content.

" Okay " 

" Okay what? " I replied looking up as Chris stood up from the bench. 

" You can't come to the park and not get on the swings or even go down the slide " he said with a small smile on his face.

"..and exactly who said that? " 

" Me..right now "

I chuckled a little bit before standing and before I could make another move Chris took a hold of my wrist and literally dragged me across the park to get to the swings.

I gently sat down on the seat of the swing and waited as Chris went to stand behind me. His hands put pressure on my back as he pushed me and it just made me think of how much I used to hate the swing sets.

The last time I actually played in a playground was with my little sister and it was only because my parents used to force me to take her at least 3 times a week; looking back at those moments makes me feel so immature for complaining about spending time with my little sister. I should've cherished those moments because now they're just memories that cloud my mind.

Two little boys started running towards the swings and I slowed myself down before I ended up accidentally hitting one of them. They paused in front of me as I came to a stop, both of them looking around 8 years old.

" Can you get off the swings? " one of the boys took initiative and spoke first while the other one stood behind him. 

I twisted around to look at Chris and he let out a laugh while he backed away from the swing I was sitting on. I too chuckled and turned back around to look at the little boy before saying " Okay" and getting off the swing.

There was only two swings on the set so both boys took a seat at the two different seats but clearly they hadn't thought this through because after they had sat they turned to look at each other trying o figure out who would push who and after a few seconds of looking at each other they turned over to look at Chris and I.

" Can you push me and my friend? " asked the same boy.

" Please "

The little boy wasn't asking, he was demanding that we push him and his friend and we weren't really left with much of a choice other then to push them.

Chris went to go push the little boy and I went over to push the other kid and as they were pushed higher their smiles spread across their faces and before we knew it, they were laughing and shrieking.

" I'm going higher than you Ryan " shouted the only boy who had spoken but Ryan, which I'm going to assume is his name, had no response to the other boy because honestly his smile said all he needed to say; no words needed to be said.

After pushing the kids for about 10 minutes, and no I'm not exaggerating, Chris decided he was hungry and honestly so was I. The apple I had ate early helped me hold up for awhile but now I was starving to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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