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You sat at the top of the tallest building in your city. You were humming a sad like tune as you kick your legs back and forth thinking about the events that took place today.

-Flash Back-

You sit in class looking at the piece of paper,

"Go to hell you slut

Go kill yourself

No one loves you

Do us a Favour and die

Your a mistake."

Your (E/C) eyes scenes over the paper one more time just a little closer and as you turned th paper over you see a little poem,

"Roses are red,
violets are blue,
You suck dick
But never for a tip."

You push the chair back and walk over to the girl who handed you the paper, "hello fat fuck," (R/G) said to you, her friends laughing behind her. You rolled your eyes and chuckled, "sorry but I'm not a mirror." She stood up and slammed her hands on her desk glaring at you, "go fuck your self." You felt nervous and scared but you pushed those feeling back and grabbed (R/G)'s hair pulled her into the aisle kicked her back leg forward, making her lose balance, you took it as an advantage and slammed her face into her desk. Everyone gasped. You watched as blood started to drip down from her nose and lip to her chin, you leaned down to her ear with a smile, "sorry, I didn't hear you, could you repeat that?" You said in a sweet tone. The teacher looked at you and quickly stood up, "(Y/N)! Principles Office now" she said angrily. You frowned and walked out of the class room, and out the school entrance, ""(y/n)! Principles office now!" my ass Ms. Bitchy." You mumbled to yourself chuckling.

-Time skip-

You had walked to your favorite store which was stocked up on your favorite candy. After that you walked home ready to get an ear full from your mom. As you walked through the door you awaited you mom, but she never showed, you soon realized your mom wasn't home and your (little/bigger) (sister/brother/siblings) were at there friends house so you were all alone in the house. You sat in your room trying not to cry your (E/C) eyes out your (H/L) (H/C) hair was a bit of a mess since you had pulled your hair multiple times, a hit of blood dripped onto your bed with a knife in your hand, "stupid people, stupid life! Fuck everything! No one loves me!" You mumbled after those words left your mouth your phone went off.

"Hetalia Crush:(Y/N) I heard what happened about (R/G)

You:Yeah so what?

Hetalia Crush:You broke her nose

You:Could have been worse"

You waited for a text back but you never got one so you looked out the window and sighed texting him back bubbles starting to grow from anger and nervousness.

"You:Sorry gtg

Hetalia crush:Be safe."

You smiled.

You walked into you moms room and grab a few beers. You wobbled into the bathroom because of the pain in your stomach, soon you started throwing up. You washed out your mouth and you wiped your mouth off with the town. You stood right by the front door checking for everything you needed, you already had the bag with the beer bottles and your little note book. You quickly put your phone in you pocket and walked out of your house already knowing where to go.

-Flash Back End-

You had a slight head acke, "ugh stupid beer anyway," you smile holding your head in your palm. You tried to stand but fell back and hit the concrete with a thud, "Ow! Fucking shit!" You laid on the cold ground before your phone went off, you pulled it out of your pocket, seeing a text from your crush.

"Hetalia Crush:(Y/N) can I tell you something?

You smiled a little.

You:sure what's on your mind

Hetalia Crush:I like this girl..."

*crack* there goes you heart. You shook off the pain and texted back quickly.

"You:Oh, what do you need help with?

Hetalia Crush:How do I tell her?

You:Just walk up to her and tell her no big deal.

Hetalia Crush:Really? Thanks I guess, where are you?

You:On a building just thinking.

Hetalia Crush:WHAT WERE??"

You let out a loud berp before shrugging it off

"You:You know where."

You laughed but that soon stopped when he didn't responed, "he won't get here in time anyway." You got off your phone and started standing up and slowly walked to the edge tying to not fall over, your phone went off again, you pulled it out and read it

"Hetalia Crush:Are you at the very top?

You:where else would I be?"

He didn't text back so you continued taking a big risk since you know you wouldn't get the chance.

"You:let me tell you something"

He doesn't answer

"You:I love you."

You turned off your phone shaking the bubbly feeling in your stomach and inched closer to the edge, one foot dangling as you were facing the entrance door waiting... You sighed and let yourself fall back.. You heard a voice call out to you, "(Y/N)!!!" As you fell you felt a hand grab your arm you look up to see...

Hetalia X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now