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You look up to see...

5 very concerned faces...

"The Nordics?" You said softly you look at them and there eyes seem to be sad you look away "what are you guys doing here saving me I'm not wo-" "no don't say stupid things you just need friend like us and then we can take care of you and... love you" Finland said smiling "yeah I'm sure your mom won't mind you moving in with us" Iceland said "then you can be my wife" Sweden said looking at you "then you can help me make Iceland say big brother" Norway said looking at you "we can get drunk" Denmark said smiling down at you, you smiled lightly "I don't deserve to be loved by you guys your to perfect" you look away and then down and notice that Norway was holding your arm tighter "we aren't going to loose you" "your contrys and you'll live forever and me I'm a human and I won't live forever" "I can ask England if he can give me something to make you immortal like us" Norway said but you shake your head "no that won't make me happy I just don't want to be hated for many more years as much as I love all five of you, I really do but I'm going to be hurt watching everyone I care about die and I don't want that" you said quickly and put you legs on the wall and pull back making Norway being pulled forward making him loosen his grip and let you go "(Y/N)!!" You hear them all scream, you smile up at them and closed your eyes. They all watched as you lay there motionless they close there eyes Finland was a sobbing mess then Denmark started sobbing, Iceland closed his eyes trying not to cry, Sweden was holding on to Finland, Norway looked up at the sky and felt a tear leave his eye.

10 years later

The five visit you everyday and today was your birthday. The five stood there looking at your tombstone and they were quiet until Finland broke it "hello (y/n) I miss you so much I wish you were here" he said tearing up a little "hey I hope your drinking a lot in heaven tight know" Denmark said with a chuckle "I can't find anyone I want to be my wife except Finland" Sweden said and sighed "Iceland is hardly calling me big brother" Norway said look at your tombstone, Iceland put flowers down on your tombstone "happy birthday I just wish I could see you again". After 30 minutes they had a group hug but felt like someone was there with them making them smile a little. They all got into the car and were about to dive off until they watched Finland wave "Finland what are you waving at" "look it's (y/n)!" Finland said pointing at your tombstone the other Nordics look at Finland as if he were crazy "okay?" Then they drive away, you stand there chuckling "I guess they don't believe I'm still with them heh Finland always had a big imagination" you said chuckling then you walked back to your tombstone and saw the flowers "heh there to kind" you touched them and they moved slightly you sat on your tombstone "I love you my Nordics" you said to no on and smiled up at the sky "I'll be waiting here."

There y'all go. It sucked I know.

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