Late Easter Special

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First I know it's really late secondly I have a good reason... I'll tell you later but... I got my phone taken away for awhile...



You sit in your room playing a video game when your friend America came in "Hey do you want to go meet the Easter bunny?" America said smiling "Oh Mein gott really!" You say jumping up and smiling brightly "nah just kidding" America said and laughed "England was right you are a wanker" you yelled and frowned "hey England is a wanker not me" America said glaring at the floor ".... hey today is Easter right?" You asked looking at America "Yeah" he said shrugging "can you invite everyone over?" You asked smiling "To my house?" America asked "Yeah and we could get down and have some fun" you said chuckling "I didn't even think of that your really smart (y/n)" you shrugged "nah I'm awesome that's all" you said smiling "you haven't been hanging out with Prussia have you" America asked pointing at you "maybe maybe not" you said rocking on your heels whistling "well... just be careful and I'll started inviting people right now" America said and walked out.

~°~°~Time skip of stuff~°~°~

"I should find something to wear.... I now I have bunny ears and a bunny tail thing" you said and opened your closet and pulled out the ears and bunny tail thing "okay now I can just put theeeemmmm ... on!" You said and looked in the mirror and smiled and angled the ears to your liking but stoped and looked at your arms "damn" and you sighed you looked at your stomach as it growled "you hungry.... LETS GO EAT SOME FOOD!" You yelled and ran down to the kitchen to see Germany standing there looking kinda sad "hey Germany what wrong dude" he looked at you and forced a light smile "I found out that my friends liked the same person as me" then he frowned again "are you gay?" You said with a curios look "Nien... its a girl okay and I think she wouldn't li-" Germany was cut off by you "Germany will you shut up and man up okay just tell her at the party to night okay" you said sighing "okay" Germany smiled and hugged you "your a good person (y/n) even if you are mean at times" you patted Germany's back as your stomach growled "now go get ready America said he was going to send an invite to everyone so you never now when he plans to start a party so get ready while I'm going to eat something and tell that to Japan and Itary" you said pushing Germany away and started looking for something to eat "okay" he said and walking out.

~°~°~Boring time skip for food and party time~°~°~

You watched America put up some posters in his house "America I don't think that's going to do anything" you said annoyed "so what!" America snapped, you made a really sad face and pretend to cry "America y-you hate m-me don't y-you" America ran over to you and hugged you "no I do-your mean!" He yelled and pushed you away "Ayyye I got you didn't I hahaha" you said laughing "that was mean" America said pouting cute like "oh come on don't be mad it makes you look kawaii and I don't like it because it makes me want to pinch your cheeks" America blushed "do yo-" America was cut off my the door bell ringing making you stand up "hope everything is right" "yeah I gue-" he watched as you walked away and opens the door to see Germany Romano and Italy "hey guys come in" they nodded and stepped in "so America did you really ha-" "it wasn't me it was (y/n)" America said pointing to you "what really ragazza"(I think that's how you spell it.. eh) Romano said looking at you "eh it was last minute thinking but eh at le-" the door bell rang you ran over and opened it to see the BTT "oh look at who we have here I'm lucky I brought a condom" France said smirking "ewe.... naw just kidding but France that was really really stupid because I thought you were going to use it on England" you said smirking France shook his head "you have been reading y-yaoi is that what is called?" France said "maybe maybe not" you said smiling "come in before I close the door" you said moving out of the way and let them in but before you could close the door the rest of the Allies and Japan walked in "I heard Yaoi" Japan said "noo.... yeah... it just so beautiful but stupid at the same time like that England x France thing I think and England was all like I got a bigger Ben I mean It was funny but man England wouldn't sa- okay maybe but no just no" you said shaking our head "okay but really England x France" Japan asked "eh I was bored okay and you read yaoi" you said blushing Japan blushed "No" and walked off to Germany and Italy "sunflower?" You turn around to see Russia "your like a ninja Russia" you said smiling "thank you" Russia said smiling darkly "okay so what" you said with a poker face "do you like anyone?" Russia said his normal smile returning "What?" You said blushing "Do you like anyone" Russia said again "why... who is asking" you said raising an eyebrow "all of us" Russia said moving his hand around the room "what?" You said and though "how the hell am I the only girl.. Damn it America I'm going to kill you" and backed away "We all like you sunflower" Russia said smiling brightly "holy bible babies" you said and covered your face "what" Russia looking at you as were crazy "that's weird but okay that's cool I like you gu-" you were cut off by China "hey (y/n)" you noticed China behind Russia "hey China" you said waving "you like me more right" "wha-" "no she likes me more because I'm cute" Italy said behind Germany "hey idiot she likes me" Romano barked "hey I'm the hero and I always get the gir-" "you wanker she likes me more" England said with an angry face on "hey my sunflower... become one with Russia" you blush "I do-" you were interrupted by Japan "she likes my sushi" you felt like crying but held it in "no she likes Mein 5 meters" Prussia yelled and gilbird tweeted in agreement "no she wants me at least I don't lie about my length" France said smirking "I'm so-" you were again interrupted by Spain "hey she likes or even loves me because I'm so nice to her whil-" "WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP" they all stoped and looked at Germany "Germany?!" Some of them said kinda scared "she doesn't get to be pushed around by you guys she needs someone that can run things like me and I'm sure she likes or even loves me" Germany yelled and looked at we're you were and noticed you were gone "where did she g-" they heard sobbing from in the closet and Germany walked over and openend it to see nothing but heard the sobbing a lot better he pushed away the coats and saw a crawl space door he openend it to see you crying "(y/n) are you okay" he watched as you hugged your self Germany pulled you out slowly and held you close "what's wro-" "why do people fight when ever I'm around I don't mean to start them" they heard you mumble in Germany's chest "I think it's my fault because when I'm around people fight over something" "we fight ov-" "and you, Germany, you like a girl only to find out every one of your friends like her back" you said looking away "yeah we are childish for fighting over you and it's all because we like you" Germany said and set you down on the couch "you all like me?... as a friend?" You said Germany shook his head "no we all love you more then a friend (y/n) and I-we will help you no matter what" you nodded and see Canada standing in the corner with a sad face on you get up and forget about everyone and smile as you walked over to Canada "Canada are y-" "I like you too but no one seems to notice me" Canada said and looked like he was going to cry "hey chin up okay I like you to" you said hugging him "what about us?" France said "Yeah!" They all said in sync "I do like all of you but Canada hasn't been noticed by anyone which makes me want to slap all of you" you said and blushed "but.. if you notice Canada more then I'll maybe hang out with you all again but until then I'm hanging out with Canada" you said walking to the door and noticed there faces "WHAT" they all yelled and you shrugged "let's go Canada" you said pulling him along the side walk "they might be mad at you for saying those things" Canada said worried "hey don't worry they can't hate me forever because they love me" you said not noticing that the people in the house were still arguing about who gets you all to them self.


There we go. Sorry it sucked. Bye.

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