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He might be out of character a lot but I don't know ENJOY!!

You look up too see...


"Lukas!" Lukas looked at you with his normal expression "what do you think your doing (y/n)" he said in his monotone voice "well you really wouldn't care know would you Lukas" you said softly kinda sad "I do care I just don't show it" you looked at him and for a split second you saw worry in his eyes "Eh why would you care about me I'm a mistake to this world" "don't say that your not a mistake you just haven't found your place yet" Lukas said his voice had a tint of sadness "I know where my place is and guess we're Lukas it's in a stupid coffin" you said looking down and notices a small crowed but most people just walked away "(Y/n) don't say that people care but you just can't see it" Lukas said pulling you up "Lukas, I-I" you sighed "thank you, you cleared my mind a little" Lukas nodded, you could a sworn you saw him smiling, you shook it off Lukas stood you up "let's go" you nodded, you felt safe with Lukas around "(y/n) why do you always were a jacket?" You look away from Lukas "I get c-cold easily" you lied "are you telling me the truth" Lukas said looking in to your (e/c) eyes you looked back with a bored expression "I'm telling you the truth lukas" Lukas steamed to believe you but still had his suspicions "then take it off" Lukas said as you both were walking to your house "n-no I'm cold lukas" you lied again "it's pretty warm out (y/n)" you look at the sun that was about to set behind the hill you sighed "No it's getting dark okay" Lukas sighed "fine" you nodded and noticed your house you smile lightly "thanks Lukas for walking me home" you open the door but it was pulled shut "(y/n) please take off your jacket" Lukas said, you sighed and pulled it off slowly, when it was all the way off you stood there blushing a little he grabbed you hands and turned them over to see fresh cuts "(y/n) why did you do this to your self" you noticed his eyes looked kinda glossy you sighed "I-I hate my self and my life I'm not perfect okay" "(y/n) why your so beautiful you don't have to be perfect because then you'll be like those other girls your perfect in my eyes (y/n)" you were kinda shocked hearing this form Lukas, "why why do you care you pretty much popular in school why me you have other girls that ARE popular like you why me Lukas w-" you noticed Lukas had a tear leave his eye you looked at his shocked Lukas is crying h-he is crying he doesn't look like or act like someone who would cry you thought "(Y/n) I-I love you I really do I-I wanted to tell you today" Lukas choked out, you stood there looking at him trying to wip his tears away "Lukas I love you too" you said hugging him "(y/n) don't tell anyone I was crying okay" you chuckle "yeah" "and please stop cutting your beautiful" you nodded "bye Lukas see you tomorrow" "by-" you kissed Lukas quickly then walked in, Lukas smiled big "I love you (y/n)" Lukas said looking around and walked off with his normal expression on.

~Extended ending~

Your mom looked at you "so sweetie I heard you got a boyfriend" you blush "if I did would you be mad?" "No it just means my little girl is becoming a woman" "hehe then I do have a boyfriend" your mom smiled "good girl know bring him around so I can know him and beat him if he hurts you" a dark aura surrounded your mom "mom your just like my buddy Ivan" "is he your boyfriend?" "Hell no, it's Lukas" "ohhhh okay" you sighed and smiled as you hugged your mom your brother/sister came up and smile "sister got a boyfriend~" you hit your sister/brother upside the head "owe" you laughed a real laugh you saved me Lukas thank you you thought and looked at your mom and sister I'm finally happy then you poked your sister/brother "You'll have one to sis/bro" you and your mom laughed as your little sister/brother blushed.

There y'all go Mein gott I suck o well we aren't perfect , BYE-BYE

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