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You looked up to see...


"Kiku?" Kiku looked at you "why must you be doing this?"You looked at Kiku and blushed "why do you care Kiku?" Kiku looked you right in the eyes "why erse wourdn't I save a friend" You frowned just friends You looked away "just drop me Kiku I have no reason to live" Kiku looked kinda hurt "No" You grabbed his hand and was about to pry it off but Kiku grabbed your hand " (Y/N) I said no" you frowned and smiled those sleeping pills should be taking over soon, Kiku pulled you up " (Y/N) I rove you" You frowned now you wondering should you tell him or just die you smiled either way you'll be happy so you slowly walked past Kiku "let's go" he smiled a little then walked out with you. You started feeling dizzy I'm sorry you see Kiku looking at you " (Y/N) are you arright?" You smiled "yeah why kiku?" He looked you in the eyes "it's just you rook rike your about to faint" You shake your head "it's okay I'm fine really" Kiku looked at you "would you rike me to stay with you for the night" You frowned "No you shouldn't waste your time on me" Kiku looked at you shocked " (Y/N) your never a waste of my time" You nodded and walked up to your house door you walked in and frowned " (Y/N) is that you?" You smile "yes mom, I going to bed night" Kiku walked with you up the stairs "okay (Y/N) good night" as you reach your door Kiku Sat on your bed and you turned on the light and smiled as you walked to your desk and wrote down a suicide note and put it in you desk and layed down slowly drifting off as Kiku looked at you "(Y/N)" You smiled "Good night kiku I love you always and forever don't cry" (Y/N) prease don't reave me" was the last thing you heard then blacked out

You woke up in a cold sweat " (Y/N) are you okay?!" You smiled weakly "I had another nightmare about the time that indecent but I didn't make it in time." You felt him wrap his arm around you "your here and I rove you" You smiled "yeah" Kiku sighed "and don't be scared to terr me because I opened up to you and you can do the same" You nodded and slowly went back to sleep. How you loved Kiku.

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