750 41 2

Greenwich Village, New York
October 17, 1929


"come with me; leave
yesterday behind."


Slowly, minutes passed before Riley fully collected herself. Maya stood first, then helped Riley to her feet. When she stood, a several inches taller than her friend, Maya gave her a small smile.

"C'mon, Sweetie, let's get ready for tonight," Maya whispered gently.

Riley managed a smile,"Okay, Peaches."

Within the next hour, the girls freshened themselves up and waited for eight o'clock to roll around. And, finally, it did.
As Farkle walked into Knight's Pub, he was greeted by the "Knight" himself.

"Farkle!" Brandon Knight exclaimed, whipping down the bar,"What're you doin' back again?"

"Meeting some friends. What're you doin' actually working at your place?" Farkle asked, sitting down on the bar stool.

"Well, my last guy just finished his shift, and usually this is Yogi's shift, but, you know," Brandon answered, putting down the rag and taking his hands through his dark hair.

Farkle furrowed his brows, trying to jog his memory.

"Who was your last guy in here?"

"Joshua Matthews. He has the longest shift. I think it started about the time you were in here last. Said he saw you here."

"Yeah... I was with Lucas and Zay."

"And two girls, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Think one was Josh's niece, but he didn't get a good look at her. He said she wasn't here long."

"Oh. No, she wasn't. Neither of them were."

"Josh seemed pretty happy about it, though. Said if it was, he was glad she was back. Been a good ten years or so, I guess."

"What? Do you know why she left for that long, Brandon?" Farkle asked, curious of Brandon's answer.

Brandon shook his head.

"No, Josh just said that it had somethin' to do with family. Like she maybe messed up so bad she had to leave or something? I don't really know. Even if I did, not my place to tell you."

Farkle nodded,"I know. I respect that."

"So how are things with Isadora?" Brandon asked with a friendly smirk.

Not this again.

"Actually... she and I decided to break it off."

Immediately, Brandon's smirk fell before he stuttered out an apology and Farkle brushed it off, all too used to that reaction. Then, a silence unfolded between the two. Farkle looked between the hands on the clock and his own. The minutes passed slowly.

THE GIRL THAT TIME FORGOT ▷ RIARKLEWhere stories live. Discover now